It's Just Deca
Sam is the first to find out how Dio got his body
It's Just Deca
GG everyone
It's Just Deca
Every thread with Sam is great I can't even
/doesn't go here but popcorn gif
It's Just Deca
The event is that desires change things so now Dio is pouting because Sam made him small and nonthreatening
It's Just Deca
So he can't even get mad he's just whining like a child
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
I love Sam. How is this kid alive still
It's Just Deca
Dio is going to be so mad at him later
It's Just Deca
He's not going to hurt him
It's Just Deca
just going to scare him really badly
It's Just Deca
Because Sam responds to that.
It's Just Deca
That's fine
It's Just Deca
At least he'll be out of Dio's hair and not calling him a zombie
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
You're wrong I'm pretty to everyone
It's Just Deca
It's Just Deca
Just gonna have to hypnotize people
It's Just Deca
Or flesh bud 'em
It's Just Deca
It's probably not as pleasant
It's Just Deca
Considering it goes in your brain
It's Just Deca
But tentacles ARE involved so idk
It's Just Deca
He could certainly use the buds for sexy purposes. But then the person would be stuck unset his control
It's Just Deca