Lord Nick
[No more whining. No getting stuff done.] I don't know what my fucking problem with apps is right now.
Lord Nick
I want to get them done, I want to play in the game but I've had them open since Wednesday and I can't get a friggin thing done with them.
Lord Nick
I'll just go to them, force out some stuff, think it's terrible and then I'm just. Away again
Lord Nick
Ah, whatever. This is stupid. I'm just frustrated.
Lord Nick
I don't know if there's help to be had. I know what I want to do here, I just can't seem to make words happen.
Lord Nick
I'm attempting to focus on a personality section but it's all
Me: I know how this character behaves.
Brain: No you don't, stupid, you don't know anything.
Lord Nick
I know. I'm just... stuck and increasingly annoyed with myself
Lord Nick
Lord Nick
I've actually got that part of that app down.
Lord Nick
Kirara's is the one I've managed to get jack all done for. Keldek's got... most of the reincarnation done and all of the Skeletor part done. Mostly because most of it is yanked from his Omegafriends app.
no more salsa
> Omegafriends
Oh, memories...
Lord Nick
/word vomits a hideously profanity-laden rant version of a personality section in desperate attempt to get wheels turning
Lord Nick
Well, apparently I just needed to hit rock bottom in the pit of frustration and misery because I wake up this morning and I'm rolling. What the hell, me
Lord Nick
Like. Eighty percent of a time I'm pretty cool.
Lord Nick
Then there's like ten percent where I'm okay. Then another ten percent where I just suck.
Lord Nick
Blegh, blegh.
Lord Nick
Okay, let's see.... I want to finish this before I go start errands so.
Lord Nick
Echoes are her transformation and the ability to go unrecognized while transformed. Do I want anything else at the start?
Lord Nick
I thought about it, but I think I'd rather get her powerups the old fashioned way. Plus, I can't think of any suitable Echo triggers for those.
no more salsa
What about a box of Marble Donuts?
Lord Nick
... Yes, okay.
Lord Nick
There. Four Echoes.
Lord Nick
I... think this is ready.
Lord Nick
Let's find out
Lord Nick
And it's up
Lord Nick
I've gotta go do a couple of Grownup Things but I'll be back on that guy when I return