shou ☽
Sword plurk for today
shou ☽
Managed to clear 6-1 yesterday and oddly I'm feeling somewhat motivated to play
shou ☽
Just got the KBCs for Sekigahara, no luck finding Nagasone yet
aglovale ⚔
i think it's cos of 6-1 that i end up slacking off in the game
i stopped playing entirely sob
ex foedere
I'm still training my tantou and wakis...
shou ☽
6-1 killed my motivation quite a bit, but i want to get to the later stages
aglovale ⚔
yeah same, i'm glad for the tachi bros being bigger badasses now
shou ☽
horikawa dual-attacked with quite a bit, and i was lucky to reach the end node on my first try
aglovale ⚔
shou ☽
looks like mine prefers the second-generation kanesan instead of actual kanesan
ex foedere
gotta get along with kanesan's big bro
shou ☽
when hasebe gets repaired i'll go for my daily 5-3
shou ☽
my current 5-3 team looks like it's going to go over the level cap soon
kaede ✽
as my friend says, don't forget to go to ikedaya to break kashuu for historical accuracy
ex foedere
get a spare kashuu ready
shou ☽