Saying I couldn't go to the store because a carnival was in the way sounds like the sort of thing that only happens in anime, but apparently it just happened to me lmao
like no joke, I had to make a quick run to the usps store and when i turned to go into the shopping complex i usually enter there was a circus tent and the beginnings of a ferris wheel blocking the road
I'm sure there is another entrance somewhere lmao but the store i needed was only open another 15 min anyway. I guess I'll have to put it off one more day ^^;
Lol wow
like i swear I could hear the calliope music, the only thing that would have made it more stereotypical would be a clown on a unicycle rolling by lmao (though its probably more of a festival than a circus)
but like, this is the road that leads to WALMART. This should be a shopping center with a tiny strip mall and a big parking lot
WHY HERE? lmao
not that I;m complaining. I guess I can walk to a festival if I'm bored today