Dr. BeardoPuff
[brolife] Woman in store: Excuse me... did I see you at the Rec Center earlier today?

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: Uh, yeah, probably.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Woman: I thought so. I think I was walking behind you in the hallway.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: Well I'm still wearing my workout stuff, so if my back looks the same then it was me.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Woman: What do you do there?

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: I, uh...

Dr. BeardoPuff
Woman: Do you lift weights?"

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: Yeah, I lift weights.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Woman: I thought so. I go swimming. I just love swimming.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: I'm too lazy to do anything other than lifting heavy things.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Woman: [keeps talking about how much she enjoys swimming, especially in this awful weather, conversation continues on awkwardly for another minute before she walks away mid-sentence]

Dr. BeardoPuff

Dr. BeardoPuff
Rick: Let me put this in nerd terms for you. You're got the acceleration of Bowser with the top speed of Toad.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: Thank you, I understand this, now.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Rick: You move like Donkey Kong, but you handle like Luigi.

Dr. BeardoPuff
Me: If you ever compare me to Luigi again, I will show up at your house in the middle of the night and punch you.

science crime
why do you hate luigi

Dr. BeardoPuff
The second-class Mario Twin.

Dr. BeardoPuff
I don't know, I just sort of found him annoying in the Mario and Luigi RPG series.

Dr. BeardoPuff
And anyway, my relationship with Rick is based on mutual antagonism.

Dr. BeardoPuff
I had to find something problematic with what he said.

science crime
i don't think i can trust a man who doesnt like luigi

Dr. BeardoPuff
Then I'm untrustable.

science crime
what a shame

Dr. BeardoPuff
I've spent too many years playing Bowser to be trustworthy, Whit.

science crime
yes, that

science crime
*'s true

science crime
you have, over the years, dissolved the IC/OOC boundary, after all

Dr. BeardoPuff

science crime
also a shame

Dr. BeardoPuff
this the part where I talk about how large my arms are?

science crime
To think, I once knew a time before you were a parody of yourself

Dr. BeardoPuff
I was once a man.