[meme] The way this meme works is when you see it, post five things you like about yourself.

1. I'm good with kids. Kids like me and I like them.

I'm good at tolerating their nonsense and even playing along with them, I pretty much never get mad at kids for being kids, and I have a voice and demeanor that connects with them easily.

2. I'm flexible. Not...physically, but in terms of lifestyle and schedule.

If you need me to burn a few days without sleep in order to get something important done, I can do that for you.

3. I know a lot about a whole bunch of different things. I read quickly and I want to know about everything.

4. I'm able to have a sense of humor even about things that I really like. I take fiction seriously, but not so seriously as to become dour about it.

5. I have a lot of patience for repetitive tasks. So long as I'm able to get into a rhythm, I can sit and do the same thing over and over for hours.