Virizion α
/quietly tags all the Rats in Ratpost
Virizion α
The only one missing is Roxy, but if she tags in there I'll tag her too.
Virizion α
Why yes he wants to spread the word about the Queen a bit, not knowing exactly who knows what.
Virizion α
(And he and Fiere know very little having ignored the important things for "zomg you're free now fight if/when it comes back, fight as hard as you can, you have everyone's support".
Virizion α
Therefore ignoring the important thing that is "what was that sound". Because sunderp.)
Virizion α
The one heart he's going to be in is going to be Fun though.
Virizion α
Just. Just saying. I apologize in advance if he messes something up because of his PTSD.
Knight met queenie and he's very much like YOOOOO