Sometimes I think all of us on plurk are just screaming for attention. Not in a bad "pay attention to me" way, more like...I'm hurting and I want someone to care
you're hurting, your hurt is legit, how can I burden you by asking for comfort about mine, even if mine is legit too? how can I ask you to take the time and energy to comfort me?
And conversely, sometimes, if everything hurts for me, how can I tell you that you'll be okay? How can I give you hope when I can't feel it for myself at the time (even if I know my feelings are liars)?
If it helps, anon, I struggle a lot and sometimes say so, but even if you don't say anything, I like seeing you and my other plurkfriends out there on the internet.
I don't always (or, sometimes, often) have the energy to say anything, but you are on my plurklist (because I can see this) and I care about everyone I have here.
Why am I also a moon?