Tech Maestro
[Weather] Husband is worried so we have to sit in the basement -stares into sky- the weather witch is disgruntled.
Tech Maestro
that being me
Tech Maestro
I keep telling him we're not gonna get hit by the tornado the warning is for, it's much too far away -flops over- I just hope his fretting doesn't summon it or something -fouses deliberately on other things-
D: Please please don't summon it husband
I only got a flash flood warning, not anything quite THAT bad
Still not entirely sure if I wanna go out tomorrow in this weather.
Tech Maestro
haha yeah you're a big far away in the wrong direction
Tech Maestro
Tech Maestro
annnd warning is cancelled
Thankfully v_v;;;
Tech Maestro
I'm just staring into the sky all 'husband stop'
Pen Again
well, I can understand. he wants everyone safe