colorful bunch
[JW] SPOILERS no literally spoilers but I found out there was a 7 show in 2d so I rushed there and now I get to see Hannibal anyway |D
colorful bunch
okay so this was basically a pretty nearly perfect sequel to the original in some ways??
colorful bunch
I would completely understand if there are naysayers that claim this movie is, in fact, too much like the original
colorful bunch
because that's what this movie is. this is JP...for a modern world. (well I say 'modern' and here we are on Isla Nublar)
colorful bunch
but I adored all of the (many, many, manymanymany) callbacks
colorful bunch
also? there's totally a subplot that, if you know the history of Jurassic Park 4, you will totally laugh at the idea of
colorful bunch
also, as someone who has played far too many hours in her childhood of the sega The Lost World game? there were def moments and such that made me think of the game
colorful bunch
like fuck dimorphodons. if you remember the human hunter levels, you know which flying assholes I'm talking about. or the raptors hunting, and the headcams and shit, and the radar?
colorful bunch
totally got flashbacks to the raptor section intro
colorful bunch
I do have some issues, especially stemming from bryce's character. she's nowhere near as charismatic as john hammond was (although, arguably mr. masrani was supposed to be the hammdon character)
colorful bunch
in fact she's the polar opposite, while masrani is def more humanistic in his appraoch, so yeah, masrani's kind of hammond but slightly less hands on
colorful bunch
idk I didn't want her and owen to get together. I wanted her to smack him when he kissed her. and there's that kind of overtone at the end where it seems like mmmmaybe she'll want kids?
colorful bunch
I hope not. I just. ugh. now that she's around kids she's more humanized and shit? sorry. as someone who never wants kids and is always pissy when everyone around me insists I'll change my mind, no
colorful bunch
like, the little kid, the autistic-coded one? he was so disappointed that someone he hasn't seen in 7 years which means most of his life who has a very important job can't just
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drop everything and spend time with them, and he's just as sad that she's going to make time for them, just later. they'll even get to see behind the scenes shit!
colorful bunch
I'm sorry, that kid shoulda been ecstatic
colorful bunch
and jesus the older asshole was dumb. so dumb. why would you ever.
colorful bunch
QUESTION why would you allow the gyroscopes to go off track
colorful bunch
god now it's time for hannibal I'm going to die I'll come back to this if hannibal and will don't kill me first
colorful bunch
hannibal up in my brain sorry sorry so sorry
colorful bunch
okay but like I really felt bad for Blue
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she's the only one left ;;
colorful bunch
some of the deaths were pretty fucking amazing
colorful bunch
but poor blue didn't know what to do
colorful bunch
I would also like backstory to Blue???
colorful bunch
I mean Charlie Delta Echo (even tho they dead I wanna learn which one is which) so why does Blue get to be Blue instead of Bravo?
colorful bunch
or Foxtrot, depending on where she falls in?
colorful bunch
and no, just as I suspected, there is absolutely nothing alpha about chris pratt. now that's not to say I didn't like his role, but he doesn't command any presence or respect really
colorful bunch
our dear miss howard (what was the character's name? claire? claire. I think. see how memorable she is? :\ ) absolutely is...Pepper Potts, basically
colorful bunch
for literally running around everywhere in high heels and never tripping or twisting or hobbling as one realistically would
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he even SAYS about the HEELS and what does she do she UNDOES HER TOP?? and does NOTHING about the HEELS
colorful bunch
i'm so overstimulated tonight it's great h-ha
colorful bunch
okay NEW QUESTION one that's been bugging me since the movie almost ended:
colorful bunch
where were all those visitors hanging out that none of the dinos came and ate them up? like. obvioiusly not the visitors center. so...where?
colorful bunch
Indy never gobbled them up and the raptors never crashed the party and Big T didn't give no shits (she doesn't have to give any shits, no shits given)
✧ Navigator ✧
Well you see them running "backstage", so I'm assuming docks for cargo at least away from the heart
✧ Navigator ✧
Srsly tho why shut down the control room when critters are still loose?
✧ Navigator ✧
But, I was legit sad Masrani died. And I liked Henry Pointing out they designed the dinos for thrill factor over realism.
colorful bunch
I just explained to my mom that I loved this movie and would totally see it again, but then I pointed out that while I enjoyed pratt's character, I didn't see Owen as being an ~alpha~
colorful bunch
and some of my issues with how the movie chooses to portray Clair
colorful bunch
and mom's like 'well then what's the point of seeing it if you don't like the characters' did I say I didn't like them also the point is dinosaurs