Tech Maestro
I adore you guys you know. Even if I'm cranky or argue, I do care. I'm not good at not caring, and I'm especially bad at not finding something amazing in people. Which means you're amazing too, to me. Hear me?

Tech Maestro
I have faith that each and every one of you will get where you need or want to go in your lives, and if you need my support, I'm here. Don't be afraid to tell me things.

Tech Maestro
You will never be 'bothering me' if you need to talk.

Tech Maestro
I will help how you can, or give you particularly uninformed advice sometimes, but I'll listen, and you won't EVER have to worry about me judging you.

Tech Maestro
So be amazing, and beautiful, and talented people, and never ever think you can change my mind from believing that's all exactly what you are.

Tech Maestro
Because you are, and I've already found those things I see that make me think you're amazing, and I won't be unfinding them just because things got rough for you.

Tech Maestro
I still see them, and if something made them dusty, I'll do my best to dust them off and make sure you can see them again too.

Tech Maestro
Have a good day everyone, my amazing friends deserve one.


Lady Prime

Pen Again

ღuɛɛɴ ♔

Angry Popoto
You are an amazing, loving, and incredible person, and I don't know if you realize just how much your unending and limitless love means to people.

Tech Maestro

Tech Maestro
I just wish I could be this eloquent all the time about it, but it's always there.