Syr Cadian
I JUST. need to vent and yeah the people i'm talking about may be on my timeline BUT no really if I don't i'm gonna say it in the email I'm writing. (and I don't want to block them from it and ping everyone)

Syr Cadian
and that would be even worse

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian
I was more or less volinteered to help out at baycon- which! is not at fault for any of this. Any issues going on are squarely the fault of the hotel hosting the con but nothing can be done about that.

Syr Cadian
but so by this I mean a friend went HEY BUDDY ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME OUT AT THIS THING? and long story short because they are frand I said okay PROVIDING

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian

Syr Cadian
now getting to cons is always a magical adventure because my bus system doesn't allow anything past "backpack" on board, and sometimes that excludes even overly full backpacks.

Syr Cadian
so for conventions where there's no car, i have to say. take the airporter (which costs an extra 20-30$) to sfo, then bart to wherever the con is. BUT THIS YEAR

Syr Cadian
the con is like in great america

Syr Cadian
so to get there I'd need to. take the airporter to sfo, then bart to richmond, then either another bus/caltrans or amtrak to there.

Syr Cadian
which amtrak is also thirty bucks

Syr Cadian
so just from non-bus fees alone, transit costs for this so far (if i can't weedle the bus driver into letting me on) are 50-60 bucks. with bus and bart included, it's more like 70$

Syr Cadian
seventy dollars just to get to the con which i'm helping at

Syr Cadian
Now before we had three others in the room(s), but one dropped and the other two had a major family emergency, and with them having to take care of that means the car is gone now too

Syr Cadian
so the "transportation" issue is now super in the air

Syr Cadian
this three-person down thing also means that we're down one in our room, and with the transit issues meaning I need to come to the con a day early... means my cost for hotel room has ballooned to 125$.

Syr Cadian
Now my friend said she'd help cover costs at the beginning, but even if she covered half at this point, i'm looking at paying 130$ for transit and hotel costs.

Syr Cadian
all to fucking do volunteer shifts. This is not covering food or say, god forbid I wanted to enjoy myself at the con I'm working at.

Syr Cadian
So i'm like. full of salt now, because she kept saying "we'll work something out" when I kept trying to explain some of the issues.

Syr Cadian
and hey, she might not have an answer to this, and she def has other things going on as well. But also I want to tell the con as early as possible if I now have to cancel and leave everyone in a worse spot

Syr Cadian
and honestly? essentially tabling the conversation makes me feel like i'm being strong armed, because I'm going to feel more guilty and more like "well find a way to tough it out" the closer I get to the con.

Syr Cadian
And I just really want a fucking "yes chances are that you'd have to spend that much" or a "no, we have avenues that we can use to cut that all down to. something managable"

Syr Cadian
like last night I thought about how I could try to do an emergency sale to raise the money in 18 days and then I went WHAT THE FUCK. I'M TRYING TO RAISE MONEY TO COVER BASIC COSTS TO WORK FOR NOTHING

Syr Cadian
(which i know, breaks and rest periods that i'll be able to wander and enjoy myself. but that doesn't clear the fact that i'm still paying to work)

Syr Cadian
SO YEAH. Now i have to find a way to say that nicely in an email because!

Syr Cadian
when I talked to mom about costs she balked SUPER HARD

Syr Cadian
and no amount of "there's a tardis there" really swayed her.

Syr Cadian
so please give me cute shit to help deal with the bundle of angries I've got here.