a part of me is concerned that between incidents where filming is necessary, and cops destroying phones that it has become necessary to simultaneously send the data to the ACLU New ACLU Cellphone App Automatically Preserves Video of Police En...
Tutti Anatine
I'm more concerned with the fact that you guys need this ... judging from the media footage here in the news (Netherlands/EU), caps are completely out of control in USA S
Tutti Anatine
cops are*
Tutti Anatine
or at least, there are more police encounters that result in death, here that's quite rare
This app specifically mentions it being for California residents. I wonder if they are going to be coming out with apps that are for other states.
well I doubt texas will get one since they're all "No filming cops is baaaaaad" but hopefully reasonable states will
It's sad that it is needed. Can states specifically say that filming them is not allowed?
they can say a lot, but the federal courts have already ruled in other cases that states can't do that.
That is what I thought.
T. A. Lowery
a few places have required that their police wear body cams now