duck bastard
[box] They've apparently already passed by Door 22, so Psii's interest in the restricted section has already dropped tremendously
oh my god
duck bastard
24, 26, 28
duck bastard
no 22
duck bastard
fuck this section
duck bastard
he's turning around right now
duck bastard
bye john
lol john kinda wants to go deeper
but he always wants to get info back up the the surface /sob
duck bastard
how deep? Because Psii's going to stop at one of the doors and see if he can short circuit the keycard slot or pry it open or... something
ooo he can go ahead and try that on one of the doors
probably a good bet to do it away from any activity they can still here, tho
duck bastard
duck bastard
there's the tag, but John can direct Psii to any door he wants
duck bastard
also, since Door 22 is not available, Psii is stopping by door 32
duck bastard
yes this is literally how I decide things with Psii
duck bastard
are there numbers?? is 2 involved?? done
lol doesn't matter to john as long as it's one of them