Maxie ~
GameStop is giving you $125 credit toward the purchase of a new PS4 if you sell them your PS3.
Maxie ~
Maxie ~
....Ahhh but no, I can't.
Maxie ~
I want my PS3. 8|
Maxie ~
Maybe one day they'll just hand out $100 off coupons again.
Maxie ~
lol that's how I got my PS3 in the first place.
demon king ♚
and doesn't the PS3 still have new releases and good games?
demon king ♚
idk about consoles but that's what I hear . . .
♔ carrot king
Persona 5 still gonna come out for it I think
Maxie ~
I have pretty much all the games I'm ever gonna play on it, ahaha.
♔ carrot king
no backwards compatibility is a deal breaker :x
Maxie ~
Maxie ~
Considering that I haven't PLAYED half the games I have, haha.
[no healers]
only related by tangent, but is it that ps3 games can be bought and downloaded for the 4? or is there just absolutely no way of playing a 3 game on the 4?
♔ carrot king
Unless you rebuy it :|
Maxie ~
There's something about being able to stream them...?
Maxie ~
Bu you get rid of the PS3 and I would assume that means all your progress in every game ever disappears, too.
NekoInc, MSPM
PS3 games do not work on PS4 unless your Internet is good enough to use Playstation Now (if you live in the US, it isn't) and buy them off that service at inflated prices
[no healers]
[no healers]
I never had a 3, so I'm just weighing my options if I ever do want to get a PS
aw hell naw. why would I get rid of all the games I dl'ed and all my progress in them?
The PS4 was supposed to have a way to download ps3 titles, but what they trotted out is basically a pricey rental service
From what I can tell, no one likes it >.>
Maxie ~
It's not something I'd want to deal with, yeah.
[no healers]
NekoInc, MSPM
: It's a Streaming rental service! Which is just... Horribly useless.
NekoInc, MSPM
The problem is, the PS4 uses PC-style processors, not the Cell Architecture processor of the PS3. Nothing short of adding a full Cell processor stack would make for a backwards-compatible PS4.
are the cell processors better or worse than PC-style? Or is it apples and oranges, it's not really something you can compare?
[no healers]
I don't get why this kind f thing even flies with people being able to constantly buy heavily discounted PC games and most of Nintendo's library still being available in some capacity.
Because there are a lot of people who don't enjoy playing games on the PC as much. And there are a lot of IPs that aren't available on Nintendo's consoles.
NekoInc, MSPM
The Cell is apples-and-oranges, really, but it is a circa-2005 processor so of course it's less powerful than circa-2013 processors
[no healers]
Yeah. I guess I'm just surprised that enough people are willing to pay that much to make that kind of pricing even lucrative.
tbh the high prices are part of the reason why I'm generally late to getting a "new" system
NekoInc, MSPM
The lack of games doesn't help either
♔ carrot king
I've decided to move to the PC myself
♔ carrot king
;x while I wait for prices to fall for consoles
♔ carrot king
the Wii U is my love though
[no healers]
♔ carrot king
: Saaame. I can't rationalize all the money I'd have to pour into playing games on console that I can get on PC for fractions of the price.
♔ carrot king
I think the Japanese companies are finally seeing Steam as a good place to dump stuff into too!
♔ carrot king
And a lot of current gen games are heading to PC too anyway. That's just the way things are in the west now....
[no healers]
I tried to bring in some old systems (like Game Cube) and they were like BASICALLY YOU CAN GIVE US THIS AND $20.
And I was like NO I'M KEEPING IT.
Maxie ~
I don't know how to get rid of old gaming things. orz
ebay or amazon, tbh
or pawn shops
Maxie ~
No... I mean that I cling to things even when I don't need them anymore. WHAT IF ONE DAY IN TEN YEARS I WANT TO PLAY IT AGAIN, that kind of thing.
ahhhhh XD
Maxie ~
I'm well-versed in the ways of ebay, don't worry. XD
[no healers]
aah yeah, GameStop won't take anything older than last gen. (no GC, GBA, PS2, etc)
When will I NOT want to play Pokemon Snap on N64 again?
And considering every game I love is coming to Wii or Game Boy, all my old systems are kind of obsolete.