Hello, thanks for your asking, unfortunately the black millennium puzzle was sold out, and we will announce the new orange translucent version in few days. probably using Ebay or Google Form for the sellings.
Hello, thanks for the enquiry, unfortunately all of the black millennium puzzle have been sold out, the good news is we will be releasing a transparent version (light orange colour) sooner in few days.
可以出價給我 因為最近粉絲頁上爆增一大堆外國人
加加減減可能 最多可以拿到台幣500~1000圓左右吧
不多 所以想換一個純銀戒指(或銅鍍金手環或耳環拉)也可.......
我完全看得懂 但是我要回他→
您好 目前黑色的積木已經販售完畢
實在不想像之前一直po上來騷擾撲浪小夥伴 哈哈哈
we have the orange translucent version which can dismantle in pieces with display box plus lighs on it
The selling platform is currently undecided whether using Ebay or Google Form for directly order.
我囘臺灣陪我去玩就好(吃屎就是像我這種英文初心者看不太懂 但外國人看起來比較不違和的感覺?