went to the doctors about my seizures today, referral to neurologist is in progress! I have PNES. (well, suspected PNES, they have to do some checks to make sure)
The name they use these days is pseudoseizures - aka all the fun of a seizure with non of the epilepsy, usually brought on by emotional trauma or stress, so the solution is to not get super stressed or
emotionally overloaded, so HOORAY.
have them check you for bells palsy too...i get what's kind of a mini seizure with numbness and the migraine to go with..
: it's not that, my seizures are grand mal loss of consciousness, with tonic clonic jerking, and I retain all motor function and no numbness at all.
I tend to get them in clusters too, rarely do I get just one.
I've had seizures since I was 8, where it was one every so often, and that was epilepsy and I had to take meds, but it was juvenile so I grew out of it.
oh dear gawds, i hope they can do something for you
Likely it will be down to some psychotherapy and more slef management, avoiding stressful situations and just doing my best to manage my moods. Getting stressed about anything will put me at risk of seizures,
which makes me a bit groggy for a few days, and getting stressed about being stressed will also do this, which is FUNFUNFUN
Just on a high cause I've been begging them for answers for years but never had one, and now I do and it's SO GOOD.
Moo Deng
totally read PNES as PENIS
Moo Deng
: this is why I am giggling constantly
especially as thats how it's said if you don't spell out each letter
Nativity 🌈
So basically you've got to be all Bruce Banner and avoid the stress...
Nativity 🌈
: 'You won't like me when I'm angry...' falls over
Moo Deng
Totally read that as Bruce Jenner