Do it for him
Do it for him
Also secretly hoping to talk to Zimmy, as Gunnerkrig court as a favorite webcomic of mine!
maybe after the storm, since Zimmy is in a literally blind panic~
/is Dana and also Zimmy and glad to see another GKC fan~
Do it for him
Do it for him
anyone helping her?I didn't get to read the post yet.
yes, she has a surprisingly large amount of friends. some she'd even call friends
Do it for him
But no Gamma, right?
nope, no Gamma. just a life-sized Gamma plushie she got for Christmas a couple years back
Do it for him
So how does she control the hallucinations?
mostly by not wanting them with all her willpower
Do it for him
Ohh, so the bending helps there. That's good
she expects to have her powers, so she Bended them back partially without meaning to, but she actively does not want them to happen
Do it for him
So what's the storm doing to her?
she's blind
Do it for him
and thanks to Scott, she's seeing the upside so to speak, that if she can't see, then she can't see her hallucinations or make them real
Do it for him
Yes, that IS a good thing.