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[OC Musings] Gonna revive Jailcat, start playing him again. I miss the jerk. (A statement only notable to about three of you, but I'm explaining hold on XD )
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This is also where I post a OLD ZUMI ART EYUUGH warning but
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Jailcat is an OC I created for a Dragon Quest 8 RP that CupofMoogle and I started in 2007, adding rlly good brain before too long. It was an original plotline unconnected to the game itself, though we did-
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use elements from it (had to, really XD ) and cameoed assorted side characters. The cast were five OCs- Jailcat and Jingles, who were mine; Jasmine and Arado, Pup's; and Reva, Mew's. Jingles is one some of you-
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may already be familiar with, whether his Demons version or just me talking about him. Jailcat is one I've sparsely mentioned but that's a shame because he was DAMN fun, hence this plurk. But first I brb
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There we go. For the one person who's probably reading this plurk right now. He's basically what you'd get if you mixed Aladdin and Zidane, though I feel like there was a third person... eh. /shrug/
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Jailcat is a thief, and proud of it. Hell, he's a good thief, enough that he was known only as Master Thief in his reclining years. There was one passing gag in a thread with Mew where Reva was-
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supporting a seasick Jailcat into an inn, and though he didn't leave her shoulders, the innkeeper later turned around and found his strongbox had been broken into and emptied of half the coinage.
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Let's see, some pictures of him since I warned about them mentioned it.
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These will be so small I'm sorry
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(Still damn proud of this one, even if it is five years old)
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And more or less his current design, though the jacket... thingie has been changed to an actual half jacket
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For personality he's amoral and bratty, selfish and unafraid of trouble. It's tempered, though, by a good heart and, while he is openly mischievous, he's not evil. He's definitely a good guy.
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Take his relationship with Jingles, for example. In the DQ8 universe (and DQ in general), there's a monster called a Goodybag, which you can see above and get the gist of what they are XD
Old Wolf Winter
oooo Jailcat
Dollie's Foxie🦊
Yessssss I like 83
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They can give you quite a bit of gold when defeating them, for obvious reasons. And Jailcat has been trying to catch a Goodybag, ANY Goodybag, for YEARS as a holy grail of theivery kinda thing.
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Okay so there's two people reading this plurk /shot He finally caught one in one RP, in the form of Jingles (who was later turned human but that's another story for another plurk).
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Except... he only took one gem in the end, in exchange for letting the poor terrified thing go. The monster took a shine to Jailcat and started following him around, and became an official part of the party-
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a short while later. The random bit of kindness when normally anyone slaughters Goodybags and steals their gems (which is what soon-to-be Jingles was expecting, hence the terror) wound up earning-
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him a friend and ship tease for life, who would actually wind up saving his life later down the line. But again, another story.
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The thing about Jailcat is... almost none of this would've happened if his home hadn't been completely annihilated by the villain of the RP, for a piece of a power-giving artifact that was in his village.-
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The evil wizard, to get this artifact, "befriended" Jailcat's family among others, and had seen magic- a rare talent -in young JC, offering to teach him how to better it. But in the end said wizard wound-
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up whispering sweet words into the villagers' ears about how the son of this family was cursed, went against the Goddess, and said manipulation (boosted by his own cursed spells) turned the entire village on-
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Jailcat and his family, who all almost wound up dying, leaving only JC and his brother Magnus alive but unwhole (though neither was aware of the other still living, more on that in a minute).
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The wizard was able to get the artifact, leaving the village (a place off of Ascantha) to burn with accursed flames. Said fire had wounded Jailcat, leaving him with a large scar on his flank that never-
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completely heals at least, until the wizard's defeat, flaring up anew every couple of months or so.
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You can see it in this pic, which granted is of an adult Jailcat but the point still stands >>;
.......... I did not just wolf whistle discretely whatchu talkin'bout Willis?
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And of Magnus? Almost completely burned with the flames, mentally twisted by their affect on his body, and believing his younger sibling to be responsible for the whole thing, not knowing that it was-
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actually the "friend of the family" who orchestrated it all. When he discovered Jailcat was actually still alive he dedicated himself to killing him, soon falling in with the evil wizard himself.
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Still love this one too, and the RP that spawned it
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As for Jailcat's thievery, he was left young and alone by what happened to his village and took up stealing as a means to survive, eventually being apprenticed into it what? DQ8 has a town of thieves
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leave me alone
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It's here he abandoned his real name and was given the name Jailcat after the monster, also being given his trademark purple shirt.
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The actual monster
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I'm not sure what else I can talk about with Jailcat... He does eventually settle down and give up- er, "give up" -his thievery, marrying Reva and having two children, a wild child named Terri Lynn after-
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his sisters, and a boy named Zach who.. I don't know much about since the RP activity kinda faded around that point
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There was one flash forward RP that Pup and I did though, taking place a few decades after the RP itself, featuring other OCs whose... names I don't recall 8|;;;
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But it was a thievery competition put on by Pickham, said den of thieves, to see who would rise up and take the new title of Master Thief after Jailcat's passing. Jingles was the only one (at the time) to-
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appear from the old group, faded and tattered even as a human, but there was a glimpse or two of an aged competitor who got the leg up on some of the others despite his advanced years.
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As the news of Jailcat's passing had been uh, released a little prematurely X3 And I believe he had been running the whole thing the entire time.
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SO YEAH that's Everything You Need to Know About Jailcat. -OH WAIT YEAH because of the way DQ8 is written and recorded, he speaks in a British accent which one I'm not sure, I never decided.
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...and he'd probably use more slang if I were familiar with it.
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ANYWAY I definitely want to bring him back, most likely in Demons to join Jingles. Who cares about playercest it's my RP /shot
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If you stuck it this far and want to ask anything you can XD There's at least three of you, so |D
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Shooooot nope knew I forgot stuff
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After battling Magnus and the wizard's other cronies, as well as the wizard himself as an aside, Magnus went down unredeemed Arado made a great personal sacrifice and sealed away the completed artifact that
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the wizard had put together, stopping it from destroying Absolutely Everything with its overload of power, but having to put himself on that side of the seal to do it. Jailcat had had earlier-
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feelings for Arado (though they later jumped ship get it to Reva) and remained close to him the entire way, so Arado suddenly doing that hit him the hardest out of the entire group. So the remainders of-
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the party made camp near the area, with JC going off by himself to essentially mourn. In the morning, he was gone.
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Jasmine would go on to make her way back to the artifact and seal it again off-world (parallel universe style), while both Reva and Jingles started separate searches for Jailcat for assorted reasons.-
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Jingles because Jailcat was his partner and his friend, and though he was wounded JC would disappear like that, all he wanted was to be by his side again.
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Reva just wanted to pound him.
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It would take two years for either of them to come across him again, where a secondary DQ8 RP started. ...though I forget its plot.
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I do know that Arado comes back though, and eventually the whole old party forms again.
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OKAY NOW I'm pretty sure I'm done.
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And have a crossover pic of Jailcat and Zidane that I drew, just because it was there
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CupofMoogle rlly good brain Do you guys still happen to have any of the old logs?
rlly good brain
I do! I probably have...the majority of them? If not all of them (although danged if my titles for the logs will be of any help putting them in order).
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If you've got the ones we did for the flash forward timeline, that'd be great X3 Also go look at the plurk I made, and get onliiiiiiiiine also /shot
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Although Pup just gave me like, 99.99% of it so XD
rlly good brain
I'm on my way home now. ^^ Be on as soon as I can. Ah, so you don't need them then?
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Mmmaybe not? I'll have to poke through but she says it's everything but the most recent, even our stuff. ...'Course nothing here is indicative of the order either, but eh. XD
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Also help, one_jump_ahead or streetsavoirfaire?
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Mostly because I said SHUFFLE give me something Jailcat and it gave me that
rlly good brain
Ah, chances are those are my logs I sent her ages ago? I seem to recall sending her all my logs (and we all know how bad my titles are) so yeah...that would explain it. XD; And gotta go with one_jump_ahead
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one_jump_ahead? Okay then X3