sudden vision of her telling him that just to freak him out. probably something along the lines of; "Oh I really do love you, if you would only just behave, things would be so much better for you."
Well, Doc, he is a Fixed Point. dying isn't really a thing for him (aka, an instance of Jack making joking comments that he doesn't think anyone would ever take seriously, even if they're true)
haha, honestly, if Jack's saying it, it's probably a one off line. he's playing it off as a joke, and he doesn't expect the Doctor to believe him or tak ehim seriously
I think- I've told you about that one fic I read, right? Where Jack ended up in an alternate timeline where Ianto had survived, Torchwood had survived, except things were different. & Torchwood had a therapist?
there was a set of rules for valid reasons for missing an appointment. Jack dying was a valid reason... once. and then appointment was then rescheduled for the next day. Jack dying again was NOt a valid reason
other than possibly check Jack's temperature, or run tests to make sure he's not been replaced by an imposterunless it's her counterpart from the other universehaha. the plus side, she'd actually mean it. the minus side... she'd actually mean itJack has the healthiest ways to deal with emotions, reallyor Ianto's dying. againconsidering that's what it tookhe'd feel like he could complain more if that weren't what it took for him to say it toowhoopsgood lord, these two. so dysfunctional sometimes, but I love them so muchit's an adorable kind of dysfunction. I mean they could both use a good therapist, but still...hahahahaha, Jack would run like hell from a therapist. and end up fucking them up so bad...psst, she loves you, tooand now I want mafia. I want mafia badI want Jack teasing Mari in mafia and making her blush because it's funOH, YOU.