Oxygen Venus
what do you guys think about people who expect a response immediately after an im ?
Gogo ♔
they'll hate talking to me lol
Gogo ♔
i log into sl and then start watching netflix
Gogo ♔ : netflix, dying
I think they should realize that lots of people designers and bloggers are working and not there to socialize all the time and we are actually in photoshop/ blender/ etc
they'd hate me, i sometimes wander off to deal with vincent chaos..
Auryn Beorn
I think they're either new to the platform, or don't understand the concept of "while this is logging me in, I'll go prepare coffee... oh it seems cat wants food... oh look I have to clean here..." etc.
There are friends of mine who actually know that I will get bored in the time it takes my screen to go black from a teleport, and just wonder away, so if you expect IMs back all the time from me-
you're not gonna have a good time
I can't stand the people who expect immediate responses to their ims but take forever to respond when people im them.
Glad to see I'm not the only person that does the "ohhhh shiny disappear or the SQUIRREL...
Poptart and I have this problem with some people. I'll get a bajillion messages from one person in the span of 5-10 minutes that becoming increasingly wigged out and whiny, trying to guilt trip me because
I clearly "don't care about them" or "just hate them". Drives me insane...so I don't respond to said person a lot.
Oxygen Venus
^ all of the above is my issue , i love you guys
Oxygen Venus
i constantly come back to ims and rants of people unfriending me because i didn't answer them immediately
Auryn Beorn
When I IM someone, I don't expect immediate response. I type my full wall of text, with my question or anything I have to say, and let them know, when you're back, when you can, if you want, then answer.
Auryn Beorn
I feel that this is more helpful to them than if I say "Hi! Are you there? Do you have a moment for a question?" I make my question, and let people decide when/if they can answer it.
taps her foot for response
Valentina E.
I treat my IM box like a phone. If I can and want to, I'll pick up. If I don't or can't, I won't. I feel no obligation to drop everything because of an IM>
Oxygen Venus
ShaeSixpence: Shae, exactly
Oxygen Venus
Valentina E. : thats actually a good way to view things
Oxygen Venus
Tigist : lmao
I am like Gogo, I'm usually watching Netflix or reading something or got distracted by my kids or spouse or the cat or the dogs or the phone...ect.
Heck, even if I'm staring at people in SL I might not notice the IM. (LOL)
Not that anyone IM's me in SL anymore. I quit logging in very often and I think 90% of my friends list is people who don't log in either.
Oxygen Venus
RayneeNewYear : o no!! but yis , i so get that haaha, i don't read but i do listen to music or get deep into one conversation
Tea Poop
I think theres a special hell for those types.
I think they need to find new friends, cos by their standards, I ain't one. (LOL)
Alicia ✿
If I'm having a conversation in SL [or skype or anywhere] please tell me if you need to brb. I realize people have things to do but it's hard enough for me to carry on a conversation. If I am talking to you,
Alicia ✿
give me just a few minutes of your time. If I IM you first, which like never happens, and you don't want to talk, don't say anything to me at all.
Oxygen Venus
Alicia ✿ : if im in the middle of a conversation, i would never do that , i will always say brb, but , if its just like, you wrote me and your like, hey, yo, you,yah, hi.
Alicia ✿
It's one of my big pet peeves when I'm talking to someone and they talk for a couple of seconds and then are afk for 10 minutes and come back to the conversation like nothing happened. lol
I'm too easily distracted. I'll wander away or tab to something else while loading up an may remember I'd logged in an hour later.
and if you have me on Skype too and start blowing that up within a minute of me not answering in sl...huh uh. we're gonna have issues. I don't care if I tend to be really chatty
rl comes first. if it's not rl and something shiny caught my eye, sorry. sometimes I just don't notice ims even when paying attention
my life does not revolve around my computer
Oxygen Venus
lol i feel the same about something catching my attention, like a seagull ^
seriously! Netflix does it a lot. photoshop. sometimes I start reading something. sometimes it's the cats or a phone call
chances are with me, they're not even messaging about anything all that important anyway
Oxygen Venus
I had to explain to the person that unless they were dying, i really can't be blamed for being zoned out because thats who I am, i can't apologize for being myself.
Oxygen Venus
sooo feel you poptart ^
OR OR OR! If you HAVE been talking but then you take more than 20 seconds to respond....and they start getting pissy. omfg It's like I'm suppose to do nothing but pine over the next message they send to me
No breathing or anything till I respond to them!
Oxygen Venus
L00000L ^
Poptart : I am offended that you haven't talked to me since 2:56pm est. SO PISSY.
And yes, I looked at the time. Not creepy at all.
(in before you use it, @wonderwaffle)
I been cleaning and shopping and getting shiz ready for my annual Christmas gift exchange with Sara and her boys! >: O
I can't bear it. Especially when they have no concept of different timezones and spam me with messages about why I won't answer them when it's 3am and I'm asleep :/
SL is very much not an instant response zone. If I can reply quickly, I do. Otherwise I reply when I am able to.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. "." is my most hated greeting. it fills up my IM cap and doesn't get the person leaving it, or me anywhere closer to resolving whatever question they have.
I've had people being like "so you are ignoring me." after only 5 minutes lol. I am usually polite and the first thing I say is "sorry I was afk". It never happened that they were rude after that, luckily.
I have a disclaimer on my profile, but it still doesn't stop some people from feeling slighted. I have had someone say "If you are gone for several hours, why are you still logged into SL?"
And someone defriended me once because she was being bossy and got downright rude when she demanded that I put my auto-responder on.
Oxygen Venus
Monica : yeah i've had those "if your busy, why are you on SL " people, its like wtf, its my life , last I remembered
Oxygen Venus
Siddean : nod
Oxygen Venus
Titania : yeah, the ragey people, its like, just why...
I often fall asleep and leave mygame on all night, rofl, hahahahahah
Oxygen Venus