[meme] HEADCANON MEME leave a character/number for when I return

braving the mall WISH ME LUCK

hon K!

Jaime 12!

𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘
25 for jaime

go rimbaud
22 for jaime

14 for Jaime

The mall was awful but I AM BACK time for some jaime headcanons

hon K!
: 1: SAD LAUGHTER a lot A LOT in MoM

He's surrounded by people who are going back home to death (wally; shinji; laurie) or people who are going back to awfulness (jojo & wwii; Ellie & space zombies; kaidan & robot genocide)

He worries a lot about it even though there's nothing he can do about it. He really hopes there's some kind of peaceful afterlife and while he believes he's not 100% on it and he... doesn't want his

friends to die.

OKAY went unexpectedly away for a second but to elaborate on that for a sec

it means that he thinks about death a lot more often than he's accustomed to (and he doesn't talk about it because it feels absurdly selfish to him to be upset about someone else

going back to diee when they're the ones who have to die in the first place), but not about dying

He doesn't actually care as much about dying as he probably ought to, so long as he gets to die while doing his duty. He knows people in his line of work die for the greater good, and that's okay.

The thought on his mind whenever he gets close to it is that his friends and family don't deserve to lose him a second time, and aside from that, I figure he doesn't think too hard on it.

tl;dr death sucks, and the threat of his friends dying sucks even harder. 8( panfandom lyfe

5 - INDOORS... which isn't so different from how he spends his time anyway! It wouldn't stop him from patrolling (his suit is insulated and the weather makes 0 difference to him)

but otherwise it'd be spent doing whatever he feels like doing. Reading or watching tv or playing video games or harassing brenda, probably :')

depending on how fussy he's feeling he may cheat and fly home instead and just power down a block away bc ugh waiting for the bus in the rain no thank you.

7 - Since he began flying, he's definitely gotten a new taste for nature. He really likes wide, flat areas like the desert - they're really pretty, and really great for flying over at top speed!!

He goes out to the desert just to do his homework, so he definitely enjoys the isolated, quiet nature of it. It's peaceful, and it gives him time to think. He has less of an appreciation for like

flowers and shit

He doesn't like nature when it is in the process of trying to kill him. HE'LL PASS ON THAT ONE.

there's nothing else he finds explicitly disagreeable about nature, but he's probably not so big on like heavily forested areas. he'd totally get lost.

: OH GOSH... probably crying on someone. You need to really trust someone to show that degree of vulnerability.

A slightly more indirect extension of trust would be to entrust someone with taking care of one of his loved ones in times of strife.

But yeah, crying on someone is the big one! He's not emotionally constipated like SOME HEROES and will totally cry on his parents or his bffs and accept hugs as consolation, but not anyone he really trusts

oh my wording broke... not on anyone he doesn't really trust. THERE WE GO.

𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘

his inner demon literally tells him to kill people when they're too much of a threat

he's getting better but he is still sporadically homicidal YOU GO BUDDY.

okay though answering the question for real, I think one nagging fear that's been really exacerbated in MoM is his own potential for destruction, and it's a fear he can't get rid of

he knows that he has a lot of powers that could kill people in the blink of an eye, and he can't seem to get rid of the idea that it could happen, because god knows he's wanted too


put the hurt on a few people really bad before! He doesn't like that he has the capacity for that! (This is a normal capacity to have if you witness people responsible for killing children.)

rather than deal with it, he's rationalized it as being a necessary fear, because that will help him be careful enough to never lose a grip.

that's the main thing I would classify as an inner demon anyway :|a

go rimbaud
: I haven't actually thought a whole lot about this one before! I don't think he's a very creative person in the traditional sense, honestly.

He's a creative thinker when it comes to getting around his problems, but he's firmly Team Science. I headcanon that he may be bright enough to say, analyze a book for english class

but he'd have a really hard time actually articulating that analysis in an essay.

He consumes rather than creates, basically! He enjoys witnessing the fruits of other people's creative labour and that's about it. The furthest he'll get to creative is through problem solving

and judicious daydreaming. (Could he own ten sloths? HE HAS CONSIDERED IT.)

: If he dislikes you, congrtaulations! He will be polite to you, and will hold you at arm's length for as long as humanly possible. Unless you say something to actually offend him, you may never know

he doesn't like you.

(He will, however, bitch about you to his friends like the GOSSIP THAT HE IS)

𝖒𝖚𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖖𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘
hahahaha oh jaime

He will almost always use his words rather than his actions to express hostility, though. He's not afraid to get into people's faces and to speak his mind, but only if you say something wrong instead of like

just irritating him

(If his mother is around, he may just pout in the background like an angry little gremlin.)


his dislike kind of runs from cold (mild) to hot (moderate but YOU HAVE DEFINITELY PISSED HIM OFF) and back to cold (you have killed people so he will devise a plan and LIGHT YOU ON FIRE)

Streets of Edo
i have a completely different question not on the meme

Streets of Edo
: go for it anyway!

Streets of Edo
someone said Jaime Reyes was the one superhero they could picture doing well as a Ringbearer in a LOTR fusion or somesuch. agree/disagree?

Yeah, I'd agree with that! He's definitely got the ~purity of spirit~ and willpower to go through with it

His whole story is that he got landed with a being whose sole purpose is to basically end the world to his spine, and managed to convince it not to because FRIENDSHIP

And like Frodo, he didn't know its true purpose for a very long time - it was just the weird voice in his head yelling at him to kill everyone

Streets of Edo
That IS amazing!

HE'S A GOOD KID... he has a lot of similarities to frodo, now that I think about it

both of their power is in many wyas drawn from their ordinariness

Streets of Edo
I do think purity of spirit and willpower isn't too unusual, what's more uncommon for superheroes would be a lack of idealistic ambition/drive to take to take responsibility for everything to come out right

Streets of Edo
but still taking responsibility for this one thing that fell upon you

a fairly content life, spent with family and friends, and they're both content to continue on that way

Streets of Edo
that sounds excellent, his power drawn from his ordinariness

and -- yeah, jaime's deepest, darkest desire (as elicited from a magical being) is to become a dentist so he can afford a nice car and house and send his little sister to college and pay off his folks' mortgage

he is very much without huge ambition

Streets of Edo

Streets of Edo
are there graphic novels collecting the Blue Beetle run? esp the best parts of it according to you?

Yeah, there are trades out! I have them uploaded online, but if you want it in hard copy, it's collected in 4 trades.

Streets of Edo

Just make sure to get the preboot one and not the new52 version!

Streets of Edo
who are the creators for the preboot one?

Ummm it should be listed underneath John Rogers and Keith Giffen

(there are several different artists)

Streets of Edo

Streets of Edo
I'll try to remember

I do recommend it (obviously)! If you ever do end up trying it out, I'd be interested in what you think

Streets of Edo
I was thinking of checking if it can be found in libraries here

Streets of Edo
if not I might bug you for an online version, but paper always works much better for me

ahah sure thing! it may not be there. i'm nott sure about its availability in libraries

Streets of Edo
yeah, i'm unsure too.

Streets of Edo
...nope, nothing.
A search for Blue Beetle only led me to a book called "Multicultural comics from Zap to Blue Beetle"

Streets of Edo
searching for Keith Giffen brought up one Doom Patrol volume and then a bunch of Justice League International volumes, but no Blue Beetle

Yeah I suspected as much! It's not that popular

Yeah. Plus idk if the pre reboot ones are really still in print with the newer runs out? Might be some at the local comic store itself but yeah idk libraries cam be hit or miss on the graphic novels/comics.

Streets of Edo
we do have a comics specialty library here in Stockholm which carries a lot of English language titles

Streets of Edo
but not all of them, alas...

Streets of Edo
(usually not the very titles I'm tentatively interested in and thus would most want library copies of)

heh, it always seems to work out that way

: --OH WHILE YOU'RE HERE I need to run it by ash too, but jaime may be dragging a kid along for christmas if he has nothing else to do

(it's killua, and his best friend and little sister gotported out JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS)

Baw. Yeah, I doubt Brenda would really mind. The more the merrier, esp when she probably isn't entirely used to such busy houses/holidays anyway.