So we went to check on mom and dad's cat. We hadn't heard from the vet. Apparently they didn't catch a bacterial infection she's had since June when we took her in the last time. She's doing so much better now

though and gets to go back home tomorrow

WOW since june???

Apparently! I mean she said the blood work was almost identical and showed it to us. I noticed one day she wasn't really moving like she usually does or sitting like she usually does. She'd gotten sick and

wasn't getting up to eat/drink and got dehydrated. They took her in. Back then they said either a stroke or an inner ear infection and it was hard to tell for sure with the equipment they had and it would be a

huge expense when what they gave her would take care of her, and if it was a stroke, well there wasn't a lot they could really do for that. This time, there was evidence of infection. The lady saw it. She

looked right there when I took her in and said there was a mild ear problem and then she probably had an infection in her respiratory system. She pointed out a number that indicated it was bacterial. It was

almost the exact same as it had been in June. If it was "obvious" it was bacterial to her now, why wasn't it then is what I'm wondering

She seemed fine the last few months though. She's always been kinda sneezy like, especially during winter, so they didn't think anything of that lately