WARNING jemmatonno83 has been placing fake rent boxes on our sim.
Caledon sees that on occasion as well. Either fake prims that are made to look like rental boxes or invisible prims over the real things.
Ceejay Writer
Ugh. Hate this stuff.
Samm Florian
Ya could probly add somethin' to a real rentbox that checks if there's anythin' in close proximity to its face, and if there is it could send up a warnin'.
Ceejay Writer
Really? You can do that?
Samm Florian
Oh sure. A sensor could check if there was an object in close proximity to yer rentbox (and ya could get its location), or a raycast could check if there was somethin' right in front of th'face.
Samm Florian
A raycast draws a line from one point to another and tells ya if there's any objects that intersect that object.
Ceejay Writer
Nice to know there's a defensive countermeasure!
Samm Florian
If one of y'all is in charge of rent boxes and can mod 'em, I'd be happy t'write a script fer ya t'do it.
Ceejay Writer
I'm not at the moment, but off the top of my head, it might be nice to offer to Mosseveno Tenk, for Babbage?
Checking who you're paying is the best countermeasure :-)
Ceejay Writer
I do carefully look at the information as to who is receiving my lindens for my Blake Sea island.
Samm Florian
dkronfeld : Definitely, if yer th'payer. But not much of a defense fer th'landlord when a renter turns up and says "hey I paid!" and ya gotta decide whether t'eat th'loss or not.
Samm Florian
Hmm, that sounded more strident than I meant it t'be.
nods fair point Samm. as a countermeasure for a land lord to tell someone else to do something is pretty minimal.. I would be interested in doing more.
Samm Florian
Raycasts're pretty awesome.