Hogwarts Houses for me and my characters

I am, according to numerous Pottermore attempts both in honesty and in an attempt to get anything but this house, a goddamn fuckin' Gryffindor.


Probably for the best, Slytherin house sounds like you'd never be able to sleep unless your bed was against a wall so that they couldn't sneak up on you, and I'd basically have to sleep in the hall outside

Ravenclaw because riddles to get in? Fuck no, I can't do that.

Especially not tired and grumpy and just wanna bed.

You Hufflepuffs got such a sweet deal, tho. Maybe I can talk the hat into letting me be a puff.

Shepard is, and it does in fact pain me to say this, a Gryffindor.

I always wanted to put her in Slytherin, or maybe even Hufflepuff, not just because it would be fun to have someone like that be the Big Damn Hero, but also because y'know, I could see it.

Hufflepuff more than Slytherin, because Slytherin's all about being cuthroat for the sake of ambition, and while killing the Reapers is a pretty big ambition, I don't know if the whole The Mission Above All

obsession technically counts-- but, I mean, you could argue it. I would believe that.

And It's hard to think of anyone in the galaxy more "Your capabilities and merits are more important than your background or mistakes" than Shepard.

So, I mean. It could go to any three of those, for my Shep.

Oogway is the classic Hufflepuff. Zero ambition, basic amounts of courage and do-rightness, not a nerd bone in his body.

He's just the chillest most acceptingest turtlepuff in the entire cosmos, he thinks everybody has the potential to be amazing and he does his best to facilitate that, even when they're actively bein a evil jerk

Meanwhile, at
, Emma is the classic Slytherin. Ambitious, mean, very protective of her own people and her own interests, and she could not give one solid fuck about anyone outside that circle.

At least, not more than their usefulness to her or potential for profit. She's really quite loyal, once you have her, but it's the part between being a stranger and being close to her that's dangerous.

This wasn't so bad back home, of course, because a lot of people in London are like that. So it balances out pretty well.

It's a bit more antisocial in Univille.

oh Emma. funny how a Ravenclaw is fast becoming one of her own

Helena calmly walked past the Acquaintance Donut Of Terror in a cloud of gifts and flattery.

It was very impressive.

it is the beauty of her unrelenting charm