wow emojli..no android? dafuq.
potato boyo
What's a jili?
potato boyo : the emoji only messenger a bunch of plurkers signed up for a while back
Emojli: the emoji-only messenger
i locked in a rly cute name and i wanna use it but i cant now lol
potato boyo
wups just realized i spelt it wrong
potato boyo
Oh again.
potato boyo
I mean,
i just checked the emojis and they dont have a potato one. out of like 20 different random fruits and veggie, no potato. so messed up, man.
potato boyo
Same with google hangouts.
potato boyo
Hangouts has a yam. That's close to a potato....sort of......but not really............
they tried at least
hey emoji has a yam too lol
Oh Japan. Or should I say JAP-YAM?
potato boyo
I see what you did there.
potato boyo
potatoes see everything. so many eyes.