big woop
the eternal struggle of wanting to app to all the places when I'm doing pretty well to keep up with the games I'm already in
I know this feeling.
What's caught your eye recently?
big woop
still eyeing forestcovered
big woop
possibly route, possibly future rounds of drrp
big woop
although I know from experience that drrp is way too intensive for me
archerrim ❀
i'm in a drrp-y PSL you might like?
archerrim ❀
it's very ECATS but it's the same idea and doesn't go on for too long
archerrim ❀
plus it hasn't started yet either
big woop
also I've still got that third slot at wtl and a character I last played at a crack game in 2008 keeps poking me hesitantly in the brain
big woop
I'm not sure I've got enough previous material for her but Petulia Gristle would fit really well in wtl's setting
big woop
archerrim ❀ : I might be interested?
archerrim ❀
big woop
the thing is I just keep thinking of characters I'd like to take to DRRP but I'm not sure I could keep up with any of them
archerrim ❀
yeah same
archerrim ❀
and that's assuming the muse i have for them lasts that long
why aren't there infinite rounds of drrp
archerrim ❀
how do you mean?
I have so many characters I want to play [layshere]
archerrim ❀
imagine a drrp revolving door
archerrim ❀
every time someone dies, a new character is brought in
archerrim ❀
and the goal is to survive as long as possible
big woop
Sylar particularly appeals as a drrp character but I'd have to review his canon and I'm not sure I want to do that to myself
big woop
If I managed to do justice to him I think he'd be able to do well in murdergame
big woop
...I mean I guess I could just review season one, it's not like I'd take him from any canon point after Kirby Plaza anyway