Going to learn how to mesh. Any tips or someone masochistic enough to mentor?

What program?

Blender. I'm poor.

I know there's a lot of really good tut streams on youtube for blender spcifically for working within SL. Personally, blender and I have an agreement- I don't open it and it doesn't make me scream

LWarwick That's exactly what made me want to bang my head against a brick wall when I tried it before, even with tutorials. I think I need a cheat-sheet posted next to my computer. :/

I didn't realize there were tutorials specifically for SL meshing. That's good to know, thanks!


Paco Pooley
Blender is a rather complex program - like every other 3d rendering software is also (Maya...etc.) The good thing about belnder is that it is free - so there are a zillion tutorials in the internet.

Paco Pooley
the tip i can give you is: start easy. try to get used to blender. start with something like - hum - an easy table i.e.

Paco Pooley
you learn the modeling, you learn the UV-Unwrapping and you also learn the lighting and texturing with it. and it is not a frustrating object but rather simple

Paco Pooley
and second: modeling for sl and modeling in general are - more or less - the same. you can take ANY tutorial to get started. however with sl you have to keep an eye on the vertice count and such.

Paco Pooley
but do not start with that at the beginning. the most important thing for you is to get started and get used to the interface.

Paco Pooley
Tutorials Archives - Blender Cookie this is a great ressource for tutorials. many of them are free. you will have to do a lot of watching at the beginning - but you will get there. Also - like said above - youtube!

Thank you SO MUCH,
Paco Pooley

Paco Pooley
you are welcome - and good luck! we all are here to help you with a special problem

You're awesome, all of you.

that The Shops head?

Get ready for tears though

That's how I do it. Lots of self motivation, cussing and tears

And by tears I mean copious self medication to stay awake

LWarwick Ouch! That's what it looks like it is. Fortunately I have a good video card and processor so I don't notice those things.
Good thing I'm a coffee fiend and have Lorazepam in case I get TOO

mad at it.

Ah. Yeah, I can see why.

Also, it's funny that low li is so important with furniture but not with wearables. I tried to put a couple clothing items in my house, like hanging a hat from a hook, and most of them were 60-100 li each...

Paco Pooley
: this is because every avatar attachement has no LI influence on the land so clothing and accessories designer do not pay that much attention to it because people want high details.

Paco Pooley
BUT: it has definitely an influence on the performance because high LI/Vertice meshes can cause lag galore - especially when they also contain scripts

Paco Pooley
I know, but for the reason you mentioned maybe they should think about it. LWarwick What's that from? How can it look so real with such low poly?