236 bees
[art] /THROWS TABLET AT WALL why do I do this to myself why do I keep trying to draw these things why
236 bees
freakin art man
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this is the dumbest profession why do I want to go into it
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'here let's move this line 2 pixels now everything looks fine'
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'hey something's wrong good luck figuring out what it is lol'
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okay jk i'd never throw my tablet i'm sorry baby i love you
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also on an art related note
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236 bees
people keep wanting to commission me to do pixel ponies it seems like and I'm just over here like 'guys I didn't make the base'
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'I can't let you pay me to mod a base I didn't make'
236 bees
'I'm glad you like my work but I am standing on the backs of giants etc etc for most of these'