Natalie 🌈
Well said!!! Also, please tell me that dress is THIS round of C88 and not the last round...
this round! i just got it today
its the fluffy vapid 'i wuv all my friends' people who are the cruel ones, the spiteful ones, the anons
Natalie 🌈
I'm the same as you... I call a spade a spade, i don't mince my words and i don't hide behind anons. If i have an issue with something or someone, i nail my courage to the sticking place as Lady Macbeth said
Natalie 🌈
and say what i have to say. We're all different, our opinions will not always be the same and that's good and healthy and if we're adult enough then we also know that we can differ in opinion, express it
Natalie 🌈
properly AND stay friends. Because adult...
exactly, it doesnt have to turn into shit flinging
Natalie 🌈
It doesn't have to, but it often does... I'm lucky, i seem to have a group of people on my timeline who are capable of having proper adult discussions about a wide range of deep topics that cause division
Own it, or don't say it at all.