[Codie ~]#
[Codie ~]#
making a new unified theme for our arcade box. yeah, we decided to name it Fireball.
Jessica Pixel
Fireball is a sweet name :3
[Codie ~]#
I like it too!
King Julien
Isn't that what Joey & Chandler named their "crazy lawsuit game" on Friends?
[Codie ~]#
i got no idea, i never watched Friends
No Friends? No Seinfeld? I can't even.
[Codie ~]#
i watched one or two episodes. as well for Seinfeld, i did watch the Soup Nazi
Seinfeld is meh, Friends was more amusing, not a personal favorite of mine, though.
Monroe Jigsaw
"one badass arcade machine" how modest
[Codie ~]#
gotta call a cat a cat