Victims of the Black Death grew boobs on their necks. The plague also helped the emergance of the English language as the national language of England, France and Italy.
Calvinism was the most convenient religion since the days of the ancients. Anabaptist services tended to be migratory. The Popes, of course, were usually Catholic.
Louis XIV became King of the Sun. He gave the people food and artillery. If he didn’t like someone, he sent them to the gallows to row for the rest of their lives.
Russian nobles wore clothes only to humour Peter the Great. Peter filled his government with accidental people and built a new capital near the European boarder.
The French revolution was accomplished before it happened. The revolution evolved through monarchial, republican and tolarian phases until it catapulted into Napolean.
Richard Strauss, who was violent but methodical like his wife made him, plunged into vicious and perverse plays. Dramatized were adventures in seduction and abortion.
Victims of the Black Death grew boobs on their necks. The plague also helped the emergance of the English language as the national language of England, France and Italy.
An angry Martin Luther nailed 95 theocrats to a church door.
Calvinism was the most convenient religion since the days of the ancients. Anabaptist services tended to be migratory. The Popes, of course, were usually Catholic.
Monks went right on seeing themselves as worms. The last Jesuit priest died in the 19th century.
Louis XIV became King of the Sun. He gave the people food and artillery. If he didn’t like someone, he sent them to the gallows to row for the rest of their lives.
Russian nobles wore clothes only to humour Peter the Great. Peter filled his government with accidental people and built a new capital near the European boarder.
The French revolution was accomplished before it happened. The revolution evolved through monarchial, republican and tolarian phases until it catapulted into Napolean.
Napoleon was ill with bladder problems and was very tense and unrestrained.
History, a record of things left behind by past generations, started in 1815.
Problems were so complexicated that in Paris, out of a city population of one million people, two million able bodies were on the loose.
The middle class was tired and needed a rest.
Among the goals of the chartists were universal suferage and an anal parliment.
I'm okay without anal parliment. I don't know about you guys.Voting was done by ballad.
Here too was the new Germany: loud, bold, vulgar and full of reality.
Richard Strauss, who was violent but methodical like his wife made him, plunged into vicious and perverse plays. Dramatized were adventures in seduction and abortion.
France had Chekhov.
At war people get killed, and then they aren’t people any more, but friends.
President Wilson arrived with 14 pointers.
Communism raged among the peasants, and the civil war “team colours” were red and white.
Moosealini rested his foundations on eight million bayonets and invaded Hi Lee Salasy.
Germany invaded Poland, France invaded Belgium, and Russia invaded everybody.
War screeched to an end when a nukuleer explosion was dropped on Heroshima.
Did Canadian Bush contribute that sentence?