Zilla Fieri
I still need to type up the supplement, but I figured I'd get this out first
/pets MayTwi
You done good, Twi. Spike is happy.
War Squeak
Neph is worried about her :c
hey neph want to sneak-attack-hug her with shy?
Zilla Fieri
Twi's just fine. She just spent the last like, four or so hours singing True True Friend long enough to fix everyone who had their cutie marks switched around
Zilla Fieri
So she just needs a nap and probably a shower
War Squeak
taffy : yes
War Squeak
if Riki is cool with it
Zilla Fieri
Go for it
War Squeak
War Squeak
Neph's almost as shy as Flutters right now but she will tots hug her friend
Actually, all the singing was probably split between Maylight and Princesslight, if I'm reading that event end correctly
Zilla Fieri
Oh, absolutely
Zilla Fieri
Doesn't mean the multiple shares of work aren't exhausting, though. There were like...what? 50+ people who got cutie marks shifted around?
Back on Gunpla
Nozomi's so proud of you, Maytwi!
Meanwhile, I take it from this that Maylight has no qualms about making her Cure-ness public knowledge, if she hadn't told Princesslight in private already?
Zilla Fieri
Yeah, it's not much of a secret. She has no Clark Kent Glasses to play it off with
Zilla Fieri
Though we can assume she at least told Printwi and Spike about it. I'm rolling with her at least telling those two
Precure tend to have the Clark Kent Effect even without glasses or anything though
Hence the question.
Zilla Fieri
That is true
Zilla Fieri
Then no, she has no qualms about making her Precure-ness public knowledge
War Squeak
taffy : she's probably bringing choclate cake and tea to Maytwi, want them to meet up or, how we sneak hugging
Umm let's talk about it over IM when we both have a minute. I made my post and then went to hang out with friends because last night before graduation
But Shy could help with Neph's baking and then come bring it to Twi with her if you want