quarter trauma
quarter trauma
Talking to my roommate is like talking to a fucking brick wall.
quarter trauma
Dude, I'm sorry, but look - high-fructose corn syrup is not as big of a deal as you think it is.
quarter trauma
People like soda. Is it healthy? No, not really, and we all know that. But that doesn't give you any right to say "OR you could grab a SELTZER and make a HEALTHY CHOICE" any time someone goes to get a soda.
quarter trauma
It's really pretty hurtful. We already KNOW we're unhealthy, you don't have to tell us.
quarter trauma
And you say you didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings... but you did. And you have been all year. And ultimately, it doesn't matter if you meant to or not.
quarter trauma
You don't get to decide how other people perceive your actions. If someone tells you you're being rude, you stop doing the thing, apologize, and try never to do it again.
quarter trauma
If you absolutely must, ask WHY they thought it was rude. But under no circumstances should you sit there and tell me that my feelings on the matter are wrong!
I HATE when people are so self-righteous about their healthy eating/drinking choices
just lexi.
God, someone did that when I was with Tia and Travis... they talked about how Mountain Dew was unhealthy and how Tia and Travis shouldn't waste their money on it.
just lexi.
I basically said what I said to all assholes who are self-righteous about it: "we're all going to die anyway, let us do what we want. With any luck, we'll all die in the zombie apocalypse instead of by food."
just lexi.
(Or drink.)
just lexi.
(But, you know. Character limits LOL)
People should just be allowed to eat or drink however they damn well please.
This is why I always feel weird about eating healthy when I want to around people who eat a lot of junk. I don't want them to think I'm self-righteous
quarter trauma
Same, but like... you shouldn't have to feel bad about eating/drinking whatever in front of people
quarter trauma
And he thinks he's "caring about other people's health" by doing this but the end result is just making people feel bad about themselves
quarter trauma
and it's not okay
quarter trauma
Oh, and did I mention he was passive-aggressively messaging me arguing about this on Facebook while I was in my room and he was out in the living room playing a game with my boyfriend and our friends?
quarter trauma
And then followed the three of us out to dinner like nothing was wrong?
quarter trauma
And subsequently got me in trouble with my mom because our car only holds 4 and he came anyway so we had someone sitting on a cup holder with no seatbelt?
quarter trauma
Christ, though. All I wanted to do today was have fun with people and play Bravely Default. Not this bullshit. When do I move, again?
just lexi.
What the hell.
just lexi.