STEPH 2.0🔪
Despite the fact that like every plurk I'm in w ᴡʏʀᴍʙʟᴏᴏᴅ. we bicker doesn't mean a thing ok guys jsyk
STEPH 2.0🔪
i dont want ppl thinking im a dick cos of susa or hannah
STEPH 2.0🔪
no matter how gross they are
ur dickishness will shine through these words dont even try
STEPH 2.0🔪
I'm a cute little ball of sunshine shut up
STEPH 2.0🔪
make me kicks
STEPH 2.0🔪
don't make me make u
@ hoopskirts
/pulls up a chair
MOVING @protags
children be nice.
STEPH 2.0🔪
slaps susa
STEPH 2.0🔪
@ hoopskirts
/munches on popcorn