Merry Ladymas
Merry Ladymas
He gives no fucks leave him alone
poor megatron
Zilla Fieri
Meanwhile, Dante is on fire
Zilla Fieri
Also is it scene transition time?
Merry Ladymas
Yes, do it
Merry Ladymas
Megatron has uttered words that should not be uttered
Zilla Fieri
Famous Last Words
Zilla Fieri
If you won't, I will :V
Merry Ladymas
cries softly
Merry Ladymas
up on life
Zilla Fieri
Also there's one particularly correct scene transition for this, Pup. I hope you know what that is
Zilla Fieri
Look who they're dragging to the bar :V
Zilla Fieri
One shall rise...and then fall back down on his ass
don't you mean convoy
Merry Ladymas
Totally Convoy
Zilla Fieri
Great work, Pup
Zilla Fieri
Yes, good
Merry Ladymas
oh my fucking god
Zilla Fieri
Zilla Fieri
I'm assuming they shrunk Convoy down for this, right?
Merry Ladymas
I sure hope so
Zilla Fieri
Merry Ladymas
or else the bar has a giant dragon stuffed inside
Merry Ladymas
Megatron stands there like a frightened cat
Merry Ladymas
what the fuck just happened
Zilla Fieri
Are you sure you want to know