The Write Stuff
Watched Justice League: War tonight. No one is ever allowed to complain about the Man of Steel version of Clark after that abomination.
The Write Stuff
I kept joking that movie was just trying to make the League into the movie Avengers... and Superman was Hulk.
The Write Stuff
Honestly, though... hands down the worst thing DC Animated has done.
The Write Stuff
Most of that blame falls on New 52, because there's only so much you can do with garbage source material.
The Write Stuff
And there were little things I liked... Flash was good. I liked Captain Marvel(though Billy was pretty bad).
The Write Stuff
Tony Stark had some good lines, though.
The Write Stuff
...oh wait, that was Green Lantern? =p
The Write Stuff
Anyhow, time to try and get a little more sleep before I head back to TRU to open. =p
So glad we rented and didn't actually sink the cost of purchase into that movie. Ungh.
War had its moments for me, but was otherwise a pretty big disappointment.
But like you said, it's got its basis in New 52, so. Yeah.
boop snoot riot
let's not forget Thor!Diana
boop snoot riot
boop snoot riot