it's the principle of the thing. ordering Jed to kill Morgan was more about punishing Jed for having the audacity to think he could have commitments outside of Ultra. The fact that it was with a TP was
Honestly I think if Jed had "disclosed" it up front - very much a "met this one, she didn't run and was flirting, we ended up in bed together" it would have been FAR different, though not...approved of
She has to talk him down from posting their social security number to the internet, ruining their credit rating, suspending their driver's license, and then implicating them in a massive fraud scheme.
I think at the end of the day, his biggest regrets are not being a real father to John and not being a real husband to Morgan, and further down the list, being so distant to his nephews. Family is important to
Not being able to take him to the movies, or out to the cabin. No helping with his biology homework or buying him a car or making him get a summer job even though he'd never need one because Jed
Yep. tbh, I don't think Jed was ever seriously focused on maintaining a relationship outside of his work, even in college. He flirted and dated a bit, but it was never anything too serious.
(Morgan is going to laugh at you. Jed you are a very large (very insert your own hot blooded joke here) man but no really you KNOW very large men have very small babies you aren't going to breathe on it and
(She loves pictures. She couldn't have them for far too long and goes overboard NOW, but oh well. And of course she does, and of course he does, and one night she ~*~happens~*~ to be out on errands later than
planned so Jed is alone with the baby when it wakes and she clued Roger in so he's secretly conveniently close if needed because she loves him and he needs to learn he won't break the baby)
(A couple months after the baby's born, he'll bring up having them tested for TP genes. With a carrier father and a TP mother, the chances are slim that s/he'd be like him, but it might be better to not leave
how does i father?)how does i mother, they'll figure it out)and maybe tell John to come look so long as he's quiet because awww)