I doubt I could avoid buying a few boxes if I want to. Pretty much every girl in my family is a scout, a scout leader, or involved in the local scouting heirarchy.
TBH, I don't really care about the position, but I am a little O.o about little girls + abortion issues. I'd feel a little weird if my niece went into the scouts and came home talking about something like that
I don't know much about girl scout hierarchies but if it's anything like how boy scout hierarchies work, they probably have teenagers in their ranks too
If you support a woman's right to choose, that's pretty pro-choice, IMO. :x And given they aren't using their power over these girls to tell them, like, "Always have the baby or you're terrible..."
Mannn I've always wanted to try GS cookies Shame they ain't really a thing in Sweden. I mean we have Scouts but uh. selling cookies isn't a thing that happens.
Girl scout dues and cookie sales go directly to World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. They do not give funding to pro-choice or planned parenthood organizations.
"“The Girl Scout organization does not take a position on abortion or birth control, and these topics are not part of the Girl Scout program or our materials."
As a Troop Co-Leader I can confirm all of this! Please help our girls out! Some of the money will help the girls do things they've never been able to do due to financial restraints at home
Yeah, that's sort of what I got from the website too. It seems strange to me to split it into two different oranizations with, from what I can see, rather different ideals ^^
SweetJerry: it's partially because of how it started here, they were originally two separate organizations but when they started in other countries they usually start together
Now instead of just buying your favourite cookies, you can buy your favourite cookies and feel awesome for supporting a group that is pro-lgbtq and pro-choice.
SweetJerry: they still work pretty closely together, there's a GS troop, a Cub Scout troop (younger boys), a Boy Scout Troop (older boys), and a Venture Crew (mixed gender teens, high adventure)-
Yeah, Boy Scouts of American and Girl Scouts of America are 100% separate organizations. They may work together on the local level, but the BSA is a specifically Christian-based organization which is sort
of behind the times on the equality front (I've seen a lot of petitions going around because BS troops fired gay leaders/kicked out gay scouts), whereas the GSA is VERY LGBT-friendly.
we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.
"No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone." they are still working up to allowing gay leaders
I still find it disingenuous to respond to my statement of "the BSA is a specifically Christian-based organization which is sort of behind the times on the equality front"
the BSA is a charter organization, any particular troop is a part of whatever church, temple, school, or community center supports it and gives them space and has to follow there rules or they face being booted
they are literally one of the best things girls can to to get practical real life lessons. i was in from early elementary to senior year in high school, and it did me so much good
it's also an excellent program for girls who live in pooerer areas, so they can go out and have something healthy to do after school when they might not otherwise get to
I assume the maker of the coffee creamer would be paying some sort of licensing fee, but that's going to be peanuts from whatever you can buy and reasonably consume
The scouts support some awesome stuff. If you haven't heard if it, check out the Confidence Coalition. My sorority, KD, founded it to promote confidence in girls and women internationally and they work closely
I haven't been able to find girl scout cookies in years. They never actually contacted me on the cookie finder and NYC doesn't seem to have any booth sales. Everything comes up as NJ
we must do this this year. We meant to after the boycots against the transgender girl a few years ago but never got the chance. Mom wanted to buy a ton and write a letter to them thanking them
While the BSA does not proactively inquire about sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members,
we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.