I wish I were less shy. Standing in the landing zone of an RP place for like half an hour instead of going in is just stupid but I can't help it
Santa Bunny
pushes you a lil bit
Santa Bunny
ღChrista Echosღ
I know how you feel I'm extremely shy
ƘєƖѕ | ƐƖƖα
I'm the same way!
You guys should get together and dip your toes in together!
ღChrista Echosღ
Tala : that's awkward, lumping shy people together and then not speak...passes out
Alicia ✿
I do that too, on the rare occasion I go somewhere by myself. (LOL)
But you could... speak to each other to warm up!
to join this club. Because this is so me. I stand there, maybe cam any people on the sim, read the rules, try to look inconspicuous if anyone else TPs in...
Then I give up and go home before my head explodes.
Go in don't be scared =3 If you need an RP partner i'll hang with ya
Oh! Or if there's a boat or similar safe zone down below, sometimes I'll get brave and go stand there for 10 minutes, looking out at things. But not when there's too many people on the radar.
EvieMiles : yeah that was me today.. i stood in the safe zone. i read the rules last night so today i pretended to do that while camming around and reading profiles of people who passed by
ღChrista Echosღ
🌈Chandni🏳️‍🌈 : what was the rp?
Gor ;-)
I wish I wasnt phobic
I have a fun story for my character.. which is difficult to RP with all those rules but I want to do it .. and every night instead of jumping in I
just stand there and wait for the moment i stop having to remind myself to breath (LOL)
Chandni, I feel like I want to PM you my Gor character Im playing as a favor for a friend
Ahh its gor. =/ Never really understood what Gor is
Knowing someone already on the sim helps a lot, I find. Even if they're just a casual player. Either that, or you get lucky and someone starts RPing with you in the landing zone and you just go with it.
Khyrion : feel free to do so. I'll be going to bed now, but I'll read it in the morning :-)
Monroe Jigsaw
i wish i was less shy too :[
i want to play in gor but i'm sooo shy lol i stay in the gor hub and read profiles.. i have a secret alt for it lol if you ever wanna go hang there lemmie know i'll poke you on secret alt
gor seems more intimidating than most rp places to me, cause they have all these books X_x and being female means our roles are kinda limited in a way...