[rl] I am so upset at the moment, even after talking it over with my uncle.
Apparently my overcontrolling bitch of an aunt has proclaimed to one and all that this house, the one I grew up in, the one I feel closest to my grandmother in, is the house that she's going to retire in.
She already has her own house.
Fully paid for.
It was technically left to all four of us (her, me, my uncles)
but....I have exactly jack shit going for me atm.
And there's no sugarcoating it, this house will go straight to hell if she moves into it.
Because my uncle is determined to move out if she comes, just because it's a nightmare dealing with her and her bullshit.
I'm hoping it won't happen for another ten years or so, but....
gdit I wanted to keep my childhood home!
And then if she decides to bring along her spoiled as fuck rotten son and whatever hellspawn he gained from any girls unfortunate enough to let him stick it in...
It's going to be completely destroyed
I just.....I don't know what to do, guys. I really don't.
Part of me wants to sell off my stake in it and move on, but...
Fucks sake it hurts so bad and none of us can do jack because she always fucking gets her way.
And if she doesn't, she's not above raising a huge stink and/or getting lawyers involved.
I know I'm not on much anymore, but....I really do need some kind of advice here, I feel so lost.
It's hard to know what to say without knowing what provisions were made in the bequest. You might want to speak to a lawyer yourself.
Hahaha...ha....yeah I'm not going to be able to afford that.
Haunted Boobs
Actually, you probably can get a lawyer, entirely free. The AZ Supreme Court long ago instituted pro bono requirements for attorneys in this state.
Haunted Boobs
It's all under AZ Supreme Court Rule 6.1 of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Each county has its own number and offices to be hooked up with free legal advice.
Haunted Boobs
There are tons of resources out there, if you look for them.
........I did not know that.
Haunted Boobs
A few minutes on Google can come up with a lot of help.
Haunted Boobs
There are also tons of firms specifically for people who can't afford legal help.
Haunted Boobs
Typically volunteer basis - an attorney will have his main office but volunteer to take pro bono cases for firms dedicated to low income clients.