In A Nutshell we've got some chocobos in the game now! How do you feel about figuring out how breeding works?
Since you were asking about it earlier. Don't worry we do not require the use of nuts and complicated genetic lines in order to breed. Neither do you have to race them non-stop.
Chocobos ??????
Ramza got two chocobos for Christmas :3
Y'akeno also got another chocobo, but I know Ramza's player in particular was interested in starting a chocobo flock.
(Which sounds awesome, too; just need to figure out how often these birds would be breeding, and how many eggs they'd be laying!)
*annie quietly brings an egg back one day. It followed her. Honest.*
Annie. B|
That is not your chocobo egg. Give it back.
𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
annie it won't hatch without proper care
𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
You need to turn the egg twice each day and 'kweh' to it and keep it specially nested and- Okay no more head canoning for me. They're not even my chocobos.
𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
it's a legit thing in at least XIV, especially with Gridania as your home city-state
𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
part of the main scenario quests state that chocobo eggs don't hatch without the proper tender loving care
𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢
only trained breeders can do the thing 8(
I'm sorry you guys I am so stupidly excited because YAY CHOCOBOS!
It's just such a cool way for PCs to affect the setting. Maybe they can build a chocobo barn! And a chocobo field! (And then maybe the pokemon kids can get involved and have a pokebarn!)
I just want Kanji to make chocobo plushies
She needs a Pokemon egg and a chickbo egg. You don't understand! It's for. Like. Reasons!!!!!!!
Charlie is pretty sure she needs one more though
So just how much weight can a chocobo carry anyway?
I'd guess at least one person in armor, plus saddle and some equipment.
They can also pull carriages, plus the general Final Fantasy aesthetics. They appear to be pretty robust birds.
--I'm not imagining Annie riding it now.__
In A Nutshell
Goodness, my apologies! I'm not seeing this on my timeline for some reason. Thank Lucine for pointing it out to me
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And I've actually been trying to figure out a plan for that. With how it goes ingame, it's... awkward. (LOL)
garnet reaper ✦
you have chocobos, you run around for a while, and then eggs appear
garnet reaper ✦
In A Nutshell
Because as near as I can figure out the ingame mechanics, you need only one Chocobo in your party (monsters aren't sexed, unlike the human party members) and it will pop out eggs seemingly at intervals within
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a random range, which will then hatch into a battle-ready chocobo give or take a week.
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So I was hoping to make things at least a bit more reasonable with the timeframe, mindful all the same of the game's one-to-one day ratio...
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In fact the only reason why I haven't made a post about it ICly yet is because I've been struggling with trying to get the numbers/durations together for an OOC infopost I can link with it... (negativeman)
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whoops, there we go.
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So as of right now I'm thinking these two lovebirds ( ) make a clutch of two to three viable eggs every couple months... that hatch at player discretion into a chickobo that matures in a month.
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given, y'know, magical creatures and all. (LOL) just long enough of a span to matter, but not long enough to make it a slog.
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Thoughts from the peanut gallery?
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Ah! I should probably also make mention for the canonblind that the egg can hatch into three flavors of chocobo, each with different abilities...
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And it's a fine balance to strike... I want to be able to have people get Chocobos if they want, but not to flood the game with them, y'know?
I think having them mature over a month is a good idea.
Snooze Penny
Julie wants one. She'd name it Happy
Snooze Penny
You could always post an ooc saying hey do these eggs are going to appear in random peoples housed. If you want one sign up here and if we get enough people we will use an Rng to see who gets one
Snooze Penny
They'll be sn egg for however long and at the end if that period there will be an announcement as to who got what type of chocobo
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(thinking) Yeah, I was pondering an RNG as well. It's not exactly perfect but
Snooze Penny
Wow autocorrect. Way to make me look like a shitty writer. Thanks, fucker.
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There are probably going to be quite a few people interested.
Snooze Penny
In A Nutshell : it's not but it's sure to keep flooding down. Say x amount of eggs appeared.
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Yeah, I agree, it's either that, first come first serve, or play favorites (LOL)
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and I'd rather discount the latter as an option. Especially since I'd like to see this breed ( ) some new CR for all those involved
I think three eggs every other month or so sounds very reasonable.
And again the idea of a choco-barn just makes me all a-twitter. Then there's plenty of space for the chocobos to run and frollic around and do the ballet de chocobo!
Snooze Penny
And if you have one already you can't sign up for another.
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Ooh, I like the idea. (LOL) Maybe Ramza can ask some city official real nicely and rent something out.
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awwww yeh shake dem tailfeathers
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also worth mentioning is that there are three different breeds of chocobo in FFT. (thinking) I'll put up little blurbs on each of them and let people specify which they prefer.
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Alright, an information post is up! I'll let you kind, helpful folks give it a once over before I start spreading it around (LOL)
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With my humble gratitude for your help in letting me bounce all this stuff off you for refinement.
Snooze Penny
That works. I'm so hoping Julie gets one. She'd be an awesome chocobo owner.
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I'll probably do just four eggs flat-out for the first giveaway. I imagine quite a few people will want then, and I feel a little bad forcing them to wait a couple months for the next round...
Snooze Penny
Sounds like a plan.
That all sounds like a great idea; also the post looks really good.
Might want to consider replacing 'grown' with 'growth' but that's it.
I'd definitely recommend posting it to the ooc comm, once you're ready!
In A Nutshell
'3')b then I'll make an OOC post. --ooh, glad you caught that! I'll fix it and make a post to OOC.
(And for my part I probably won't be nabbing any chocobos for M'gann; she's got a bio-ship and is care taker for a kid who will bringing home plenty of animals, including perhaps a chocobo!)
(Helping out with the chocobos though? I am all on board with that!)
...And oh, Black Chocobos.
In A Nutshell
What about? Did I miss a typo there too? (doh)
No, no! Actually I'm just fact checking the FF wiki to make sure I get this story right; it's this goofy story of an FF play through involving black chocobos
Okay, found it! So you know how during the fight at the gates of Lionel Castle, Ramza gets split off from his party and they have to fight off an ambush? Well, my bro was playing the game and the first time
through his poor units were slaughtered. So reloading the map, his reaction was "well fine, if that's the way you want to play; black chocobos in the party!"
Who then proceeded to jump the castle gates, not bother with the ambush, and rush Gaffgarion because in his own words "FUCK YOUR STORY, WE'RE USING TACTICS."
Okay tangent over. But black chocobos will forever be associated with that for me.
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(LOL) Good move on his part, though!
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I had teleport on one or two of my characters my first time playing, with pretty much the same results
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"Now we fight to the death, Ramz--HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING"
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And posted to OOC! Thanks again, everyone. :-D here's hoping it's a hit!
/fingers crossed!
I always had Ramza lure him to the very edge of that part, and then just pelted him with black magic and choco meteors from the other side XD
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My preferred method was to have Ramza equip autopotion, steal or break his sword, and proceed to bludgeon him to death with the nearest weaponizable object (LOL)
Snooze Penny
Link to the ooc?
Snooze Penny
Nvm found it.
I want Annie to have one because cuteness. >,> But Charlie wants one because... FF. 8U VIDEO GAME CREATION. COME TO HER.
(I'm aware none of mine might actually get them - but if they ever did....... Annie would probably get yellow. Charlie would get black because FLYING INTO BATTLE. Barbara would get red because glaring contest.)
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(Or if you really wanted to be silly, a red chocobo that doesn't really heed her with the mask off but gives her undying respect with it on)
(Pfffffffffffffffff. What if it was the other way around, though???)
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((LOL) the perils of not being recognized)
Snooze Penny
(What one would jules end up with this is what i want to know)
(I can see Jules with a black one, maybe. Because it shrugs off poisons and flies. 8U And it's sort of delicate, but still has fire power and will totally go into battle with you.)
In A Nutshell
(Well, to be more specific re: canon...
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the yellow chocobo has a healing ability, but the black chocobo has an ability that heals status effects on itself an others. )
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(I just figured I'd make it a bit more interesting than "IT CASTS CHOCO ESUMA ")
Yaaay so many people wanting chocobos c:
Anti-Zombie healing status effect, mebbe? >,>
Snooze Penny
(I love it. That seems like her kind of animal. She'd give it a ridiculous name, too.)
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Let me check, actually. Undead IS a status effect in the game.
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Oof, tough luck. the full list is:
BOBBY CORWEN! Okay no, that one is taken.
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Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act
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Hmm... think it's important to specify that Boco is a yellow chocobo and Persephone is red?
It couldn't hurt!
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I'll add it to the infodump
Drat. That would have been perfect.
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Ooh, now that's a damn good question
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One person asks what about people with multiple characters.
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(thinking) ...What I'm thinking now is to draw by player, so to speak, and if a chosen player has multiple interested characters then they get to choose who gets it.
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That way people don't double or triple up on their chances by having a bigger muselist ingame... seems fair to me, but what do you folks think?
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Well, that's my answer for now. We'll always be able to refine it in later runs (LOL)
I think that's a really good approach to it
I think that's totally good~ (because. Like. I want to play fair. But I don't want to choose which character has even a chance of getting it until the distant day I actually have one to give. >,>
Yeah and then when their name gets drawn, the player can make a more informed choice on who to give the chocobo to!
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