duck bastard
[meme] Oh yeah, I guess I should do character sexualities before I fall unconscious
duck bastard
PAARTHURNAX is... probably panromantic asexual
duck bastard
asexual in a more weird animal term because I actually... am fairly certain... that dragons can't procreate in Elder Scrolls
duck bastard
I think
Saix is Axelsexual ok ok ok
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they were made by a God and that was obviously a-fucking-enough
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(sssh yes he definitely is but I will get to him)
/frolics away
duck bastard
Paar hasn't really had a chance to develop many relationships? Which he's honestly okay with?
duck bastard
But if he had a chance and a looong time for shit to happen (because it's hard to develop romances when everyone has such shorter lifespans than you and also you live on a fucking isolated mountain)
duck bastard
he could probably care for whoever
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Paar is pretty relaxed
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duck bastard
axelsexual, there we go, meme done
duck bastard
but uh, he's probably pansexual
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the variant of pansexual where he just fails to give a fuck
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There's not much of a sex drive there, but the more he recovers from his body nearly being hijacked, I think the more he'll start to get interested in his sexuality and feelings of attraction and emotional
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duck bastard
since those are all sort of... absent right now
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ZULF, mainly heterosexual but could probably bend bi if something really extraordinary happened
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that's actually for any romance with Zulf
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he's still kind of... recovering from losing his fiance 8C
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so he's really not interested in any romance right now
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JOKER, exclusively heterosexual and fucking blind as a fucking bat to romance because he's a busy asshole who has issues
Lol fiance
duck bastard
and yaaaay
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did I use the wrong word? OH WHATEVER, person he was engaged to
Lol person he was engaged to
duck bastard
koko oh my god 8T
Lol koko oh my god
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duck bastard
duck bastard
yyou're banned from this plurk
duck bastard
Did you hear the story behind this
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because I Was originally going to play a pokemon character at Bastion
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duck bastard
but then i made a joke about having zulf as my backup if she was rejected
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and then A CERTAIN JERK said that if i went in with Zulf, they'd go in with Rucks, and if they went in with Rucks, they had a friend who would go in with Kid
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I'm only a bird
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I can't resist this kind of thing
/that certain jerk
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and then we dragged in Courtney as our Zia, ha ha
You are attracted to shiny things indeed
duck bastard
duck bastard
Good luck with it!
duck bastard
Oh so rev is slow?
Every game needs at least one member of the Bastion cast. Good luck to you!
duck bastard
Well, a while back when I was trying to fish for a Zia (before we convinced Courtney), I ran into a really nice RPer for her who was interested because I told her Bastion was a slow game
duck bastard
want me to give you the username so you can talk to her if you want?
duck bastard
ha ha I have no idea
duck bastard
but I think their zia username was something based off of the "that bird is gonna fly" line in Build That Wall
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duck bastard
if that helps at all