Shell of a boy
help. do I want green, blue; orange or red plates...?
Shell of a boy
im leaning towards orange but wow hard to match >>
Shell of a boy
maaaaaaybe blue. in any case the set is free since mum has been collecting stamps.
Shell of a boy
green? aaaaaugh.
Shell of a boy
making decisions. making adult decisions. MAKING INTERIOR DESIGN DECISIONS.
Shell of a boy
on a place I do not yet own. hard. haaaaaard.
Shell of a boy
blue is easy to match. and its a bright navy blue that is a popular color...
Orange is compatible with yellow and red as analogous colors, and blue as a complimentary. Ssunny and /or bold colors are easy to work with in a kitchen
you can also do orange as an accent color with neutral
so if you want orange, get orange!
Shell of a boy
yeah...I ended up getting orange and blue! since yissssss. orange.
Shell of a boy
they look nice together
Shell of a boy
bright and sunny fit me real well so c:
Shell of a boy
c: c: c: