кisмεт Fαiʇн
Ugh, I love that song. It is just made of and for sex. (evilsmirk)
Autocorrect is a failure on my phone. I meant to say OHMAIGAWD! I LOVE THE ARCTIC MONKEYS!
кisмεт Fαiʇн
Zaidee : (LOL) i was going to ask are you for real or just saying it
кisмεт Fαiʇн
✨Skye : it is sexy
Uhmmmm, I'm totes real. I'm a prettty big Anglophile xD I love the Arctic Monkeys but The Kooks will forever have my heart. lol
кisмεт Fαiʇн
(LOL) i didn't know where they were from but i was talking music with this brit last night and he's like oh they are from the town one over from me
Hahahaha xD
I don't know if you've noticed... I'm kind of sort of a hipster lol
кisмεт Fαiʇн
(LOL) i get along with hipsters so all is good
Hahaha! Awesome! \o/ I don't like the term hipster, but if the shoe fits, you know? xD
кisмεт Fαiʇн
(LOL) i try not to label anyone
Hahahaha, it happens. Schemas are how we organize our world.