Hedgie Till
so the math teacher just called me and said homework isn't being finished and he's probably not going to pass this quarter. I feel sick. Don't want to have this conversation later but he has to try harder.

Hedgie Till
She was VERY nice about it and offered to help him 2 days a week. I just know he's going to be down on himself and say he's stupid. The thing is, he's not. He just doesn't pay attention and do his best.

Hedgie Till
sigh... sometimes I wish I wasn't a parent.

Tillor Swift
Aw. I had a lot of close calls through school, but helpful teachers always dragged me through it (kicking and screaming lol)

We have to do this sometimes with our daughter. Parents have to be tough sometimes because the world can be a lot tougher.. sigh

Hedgie Till
This is why I'm grateful we can send him to this smaller private school. The public one he was had would have never called or emailed. They would have just failed him.

Hedgie Till
at not had

Tillor Swift
yeah, absolutely

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
do you guys have virtual school there where he could pick up an extra math course?

Hedgie Till
She also has me worried about something I knew about but didn't want to face. Apparently, when he's upset about something or told he's isn't doing his best he sort of hurts himself. Like, she said he slaped

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
due to changes in grad requirements my oldest was short on credits and did some virtual courses on the side, and my youngest has a lot of missed days this school year due to medical appts, so I've signed her up

Hedgie Till
his face when he didn't do a good enough job or was told he forgot something. Like he's punishing himself.

Hedgie Till
Yeah, we're gonna find him some kind of summer tutoring so he won't forget stuff.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
that's terrifying, I'm going through it with youngest, she self harms, and while is getting better its not an easy thing to deal with on a daily basis. See if the school has counseling for dealing with

Hedgie Till
Now, we've NEVER hit him or anything like that so I don't know where the slapping is coming from.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
pressure and stuff and consider some one for him to talk to outside of school

Hedgie Till
I know you're right. I just didn't want it to come to anything like that. I don't want him labeled or make him feel like he's different. It would be good though.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
its expectations, either his feeling it and perhaps its making more expectation of himself then is actually expected but yeah hes struggling so see if you can find creative

Hedgie Till
She said he kinda scared the other kids which I'm sure if he knew would make him even more self concious and awkward.

Hedgie Till
the hurting himself was scaring them.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
ways to help him with it. Like I signed her up for some art classes so she can go keep busy, while her mind passively sorts things out in a quiet place, and some school counseling

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
I am looking for the right fit of therapist as well but this is my baby steps leading up to it

Hedgie Till
I'm sure that's exactly it! I know he says he's stupid and will never be good at school. In reality, he really isn't trying as hard as he can because he doesn't believe he'll improve so he's kinda giving up.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
could be he is dealing with a lot of pressure, or perceives more pressure then is actually there. Bottom line he needs some coping skills.

Tillor Swift
The pressure of school is ridiculous, especially at such a young age. I'm a big believer in kids actually having a childhood and not being total slaves to school.

Hedgie Till
nods. I agree. All his friends are VERY smart so he feels like he's not good enough. We'll try to get him involved in something outside of school as well as some help.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
does he have any hobbies or things he excels at or find enjoyment in that you could find more things in that area to boost him a bit while you work out things with a therapist or school etc

Tillor Swift
I went to a very small private school as well and all my friends were like valedictorian material starting in first grade. I have learning disabilities, so my grades have never been good and it puzzles the hell

Tillor Swift
out of teachers/parents/etc.

Hedgie Till
Nothing specific except for DS which I don't like to count. He spends a ton of time on it. I'd love him to take music lessons but he has zero interest.

Hedgie Till
aaww yeah it's hard when you're friends are that smart. I had the same issue. I was in the remedial/general classes in JR high and high school because I had learning issues. I felt horrible about it. I think

Hedgie Till
that is why I've been so reluctant to get garrett help. I don't want him to feel about himself the way I do. I hated myself in school because I wasn't as smart as the other kids or as well organized no matter

Hedgie Till
how much help from mom parents I got. I don't want him to feel the same way. I still have self esteem issues because of It I think.

Hedgie Till
maybe if he starts getting help with his work and gains confidence he will feel better about things.

Hedgie Till
thanks guys SO MUCH!

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
vent when you need to, and don't internalize this cause its not easy parenting this issue.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
just be creative and flexible, and remember to breathe

Tillor Swift
of course! I hold this kind of stuff near and dear.

Hedgie Till
I will. Thanks you guys... this is why I love plurk!

Hedgie Till
You've really made me feel better about this.

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
This is a resource for you for the school stuff for non Florida students there is tuition but you can do courses Florida Virtual School

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
, check out this Free resource Khan Academy they also have an app

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
he can get some tutoring on things at his own pace that way

̈*✶Whimsy✶* ̈
and if you do tutoring etc dont let him beat himself up over it, have him consider it like its cool like japanese cram school, or korean hagwon

Tillor Swift
www.purplemath.com is a good resource too, it's not free though :\

Hedgie Till
Excellent! Thanks! I know his teacher uses the Kahn stuff in class.