Darling Potato
Wow, someone just reviewed some of my knee.socks with the title "lies" and gave them a one star for not being full mesh socks.
Darling Potato
I'm not even sure how much more clear I could have been on what the product is, not to mention there is a demo. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/fri-KneeSocks-Earthtones/5440517
you stole their lindens, stop thieving and lying!
Darling Potato
You could add something like "These are system socks, that can be worn with SLink appliers" the lack of 'system sock' or layer might be confusing to some people?
Darling Potato
it says partial mesh and it also states mesh tops, they're listed as slink appliers..i don't see how that makes anyone assume they're full mesh
Darling Potato
i mean i've never had anyone else be confused by it..it even says "feet not included"..like, how do you get that they're full feet/legs mesh
Darling Potato
Renee Harvy
I'm so tired of marketplace reviews, seriously. I still don't really know (haven't tried), can you get ridiculous ones removed? I can't believe they have no system of checks and balances in place.
Renee Harvy
when you do a review on a site like amazon, for a product that's purchased by millions, there will be hundreds of reviews, so a few wacky ones don't matter much. But so many MP products have just a handful of
Renee Harvy
reviews. And people don't bother unless they want to complain.
Renee Harvy
I have bad ratings for color, for fit (on things with a free demo) etc. COLOR? How can I control that? It didn't match something else you own? That's my fault?
Renee Harvy
and yeah, rating it down because it's not full mesh, and thus more versitile, idiot.
yeah I really dislike mp reviews. We don't have to put up with shitty reviews inworld, I can't see why we need reviews in MP.
I unlisted everything a while ago with the idea of relisting and honestly, "not gotten around to it yet" hasn't even come close.
Ugh, that's a ridiculous review Darling! I'd be flagging it if it were me!
Darling Potato
yeah it really sucks, anyone else who is browsing through socks will see a one star and go right past I'm sure lol
Darling Potato
I guess I can try flagging it, not sure it will do any good though.
Darling Potato
meh the only reason they let you choose for flagging is "inappropriate content", sigh..
well it's inappropriate! They inappropriately gave you an inappropriate review on your item because they very inappropriately did not read the damn ad copy!
Darling Potato
Siddean : lol EXACTLY
Darling Potato
Xonxy: wow...
people are dumb. I bought and reviewd.
Darling Potato
Kaztastrophe : aww thanks Judy lol, NOW YOU CAN WEAR PRETTY KNEE SOCKS <3
flagging it definitely works. It has for me with ridiculous reviews when customers were confused for no reason
Lyssa Sapeur
I love your things. I generally don't wear socks or shoes and since you started making slink appliers, I can't resist.