Basically, it'd be a jamjar-style game and I was actually kinda thought it'd be interesting if it was animated/drawn characters only, kinda like Ink City, but that was just a side thought.
Well, and this is totally in no way inspired by any other existing Fantasy property at all what if somebody with sinister purposes had tried to tape all those fragments back together?
Only you can't use Elmer's glue on a magical object that powerful and hope it'll work so as the book was slowly being put back together, it kept grabbing things from other worlds.
Now that's just the "How" for the character being there. The main plot of the game would be (assuming you don't want to just fool around in Ooo, which you could), would be...
But it would be something everyone could participate in if they chose to. And there'd be power caps in place so that people don't end up really intimidated by larger/more powerful players.
I think I had the thought that, while you were in the Candy Kingdom, you'd be kept at a "hyooman"-ish size. Because otherwise the Gumball Guardians would kick you out.
But you could leave the Candy Kingdom whenever you wanted and return to a titan size if you had one. ...You'd just have to be shrunk back down to re-enter because the Gumball Guards'd be all lol no.
And for ability/power caps, if you were going too far out of line, NPCs of Marceline or maybe even the Cosmic Owl'd come down and pwn you for being a butt.
I wouldn't be able to focus on creating a game until towards the end of the year because of RL and my other RP projects but...there's the idea at least.
AdorablyRotten Yeah, the "animation" only was just a half-thought as a play on other DW games where you need a PB if you want to play an animated character. Here it'd be, you need to find an animated PB. XD
There used to be tons of them on LJ. Not sure how many remain on DW, but I'd imagine there's still a few left. I always thought it was the most silly rule ever. XD
Yeah, thankfully, I think those games are largely on their way out, at least of the ones that still exist because honestly it really was divisive, and also made certain characters nigh impossible to app.
and this is totally in no way inspired by any other existing Fantasy property at allwhat if somebody with sinister purposes had tried to tape all those fragments back together?