Natasha Burke
My Ipsy bag arrived! I like it all but the lotion.

❤❤ 10:10 ❤❤
what don't you like about the lotion

I got three of those things but my zoya is a dark midnight blue pearly, and instead of lotion and lip gloss (?) I got a wet n wild eyeshadow compact and an eyeshadow brush

❤❤ 10:10 ❤❤
that nail polish looks great, I would have no use for the blow drying thing tho cuz I use my blow dryer maybe twice a year

I love the brush, but I'd rather have the lotion than the compact

Natasha Burke
It stinks
It says it coconut & Argan but it doesn't smell like it.

Natasha Burke
I do blow dry my hair sometimes and always need help with volume

I got the same thing Josephine did, except my nail polish is purple

well, blue purple?

Natasha Burke
I can't wait to try the nail polish but I might use it as an accent nail.