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( fe: a ) the time has come to marry off the children

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MU is married to inigo and cynthia is married to owain but everyone else is free game

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oh and gerome is with lucina this time

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also fe related, i am kind of pinged by nah rp-wise now that i'm actually using her...



And Nah

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i generally dislike the "younger character that tries to act really mature" type and that's how nah comes off at first but there's more to her and i can appreciate it

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also i did donnel!nah because i wanted to give nah galeforce but couldn't break up my Questionable Family (Tharja/Gaius/Noire) and it's been pretty good

nah and morgan unless you've done that before... or is this your pink haired family run

oh wait nvm yes nah and morgan or severa with morgan HAHA

i actually rng'd brady/nah and was surprised it had cute moments too. nah is just so cute

dragon daughter

I did Yarne and Nah

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this is not my pink family run but i'll be starting that one very soon haha

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I AM SERIOUSLY CONSIDERING nah and morgan. i wanted to do nah and gerome because lmao dragon family but accidentally an S support again

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i've done yarne and nah before because i like to imagine they have fire breathing rabbit kids

i like nah with gerome and yarne too

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i also like to believe that taguels live longer than people so nah won't be lonely as long as she would with a human /cries

severa and morgan is cute too because lmao morgan.

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i hate all of nowi's pairing options because i think of her outliving her husband and it makes me really sad

apparently in brady/nah support, nah says dragonstones can help humans live longer? but she got that info from her mom

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i've done severa and morgan before because lol cordelia couldn't marry chrom so severa has to get his son/grandson

so unsure if that is true

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i can see it prolonging their life by a few years but i can't see it making them live for too much longer

yeah i no idea how long but i didn't know that until i rng'd them together

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like, i can see it's power/magic keeping people healthier/helping them recover a little faster so they live to be older but they'd still have human life spans

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i just want nowi and nah to be happy forever

also severa with anyone is always hilarious to me i am a bit cruel

noire and brady is cute tho


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noire and brady is super cute ugh i should pair them up

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i like a lot of gerome's supports ngl

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laurent needs naga

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if i ever rped laurent his username would be needsnaga

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maybe i should hook up nah and laurent just because its the closest he'll get to fire emblem jesus